Category: Life

Style Confessions, vol. 4

Want to read more style confessions? Find them here, here, and here.

1. I’m a Judgy Judge Who Judges

Your style choices, that is.

Generally, I try to abide by a live-and-let-live philosophy: no judging people for any life choices that don’t directly impact others (without the latter’s consent). Basically, I’m like the ideal government. But, like the government, I’m not perfect. Sometimes, I judge.

Here are some of the things for which I will judge you (and your sartorial discernment):

  • Carrying a Michael Kors bag (extra judgment if it has that dangly MK medallion tag thing);
  • Enormous black-framed glasses (extra judgment if you have 20/20 vision)
  • Shooties (extra judgment if you refer to them as such)
  • Expensive t-shirts (extra judgment if they are grey, white, or black)
  • Aldo shoes (extra judgment if they have a 2-inch platform and you’re wearing them to work)
  • Instagramming your completely unremarkable brunch (extra judgment for every random object in the picture – lipstick, wallet, copy of The Goldfinch, Louboutins, etc.)

2. … And You Can Return the Favour

By judging mine, of course.

I have said before that I am, in many respects, a textbook “basic bitch”. Some of the things I like are deeply, inescapably trite. The sartorial equivalent of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. I am deeply at peace with this fact. (As I encourage you to be about your love of any items listed under #1 above).

Here are some things for which you can judge me:

  • Coveting a pair of Valentino Rockstuds (one day!)
  • Arm parties (when I remember)
  • Instagram selfies (I heart filters, and so do my wrinkles)
  • Matching all the colours (matchy matchy matchy)
  • J. Crew up the wazoo (hey, it rhymes!)

Ok, your turn: for what do you judge other people, and for what do you think you might be getting judged?

What Goes Around, Comes Around

J. Crew orange schoolboy blazer; Target plaid blanket scarf
Blazer, J. Crew (via consignment); top, Gap Factory; jeans, American Eagle; scarf, Target (gift); shoes, J. Crew (via consignment); bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

I’m a big fan of paying things forward. I am incredibly grateful for the good fortune (and occasional blind luck) I have had in my life, and I believe that it’s good for the soul to try to return some of that positive energy into the world. Karma, and all that. [Apologies to Buddhists for completely mangling their belief system.]

One of my goals in undertaking pay-it-forward activities is to do so without any expectations; they are meant to be acts of gratitude for past good fortune, not a way to barter for future windfalls. But, sometimes, it feels like the universe pays me right back.

J. Crew orange schoolboy blazer; Target plaid blanket scarf
mmm, cozy

Or, in this case, not the universe … but one of my favourite fashion bloggers, and all-around awesome person, Fran. Yes, that Fran. (I’m an unapologetic fangirl, so she’s kind of a celebrity in my books.) For the last month or so, Fran has been raving about this plaid scarf from Target; needless to say, she sold me on it almost immediately. Sadly, my local Target was sold out of, or never stocked with, these scarves – a fact I took to Twitter to bemoan.

And lo – a package arrived on my door step a few weeks later.

I’m calling it the karma scarf.

J. Crew orange schoolboy blazer; Target plaid blanket scarf
mmm, orange

14 Hours

Deletta Alstroemeria top; Banana Republic Sloan ankle cut pants; J. Crew schoolboy blazer

I really enjoy reading “Day In the Life of” posts, but I’ve never felt the urge to write one of my own. There isn’t enough spin in the world for the level of mundane I experience on a daily basis. However, I recently had a OMGsobusy day that involved two outfit changes and I figured that might be worth blogging. So here we are.

Outfit #1 is what I wore to work in the morning. I had a client event to attend , so this is my effort at looking sooper dooper professional. The heels were a mistake. Walking 5 blocks to and from the event venue, plus 2.5 hours of standing around, proved too much for my trusty Weitzman pumps. They’re comfortable … but not that comfortable. I changed into flats as soon as I got back to the office.

Deletta Alstroemeria top; Banana Republic Sloan ankle cut pants; J. Crew schoolboy blazer
outfit #1

I also untucked my top and changed out of my blazer. I like to eat my lunch in comfort, you know? I also had to make a dash to a personal appointment in the afternoon, and there was no way I was going to commute in heels. So, outfit #2:

Deletta Alstroemeria top; Banana Republic Sloan ankle cut pants; J. Crew schoolboy blazer
sweater, Joe Fresh; shoes, J. Crew Factory

After trekking back to the office – where I made a valiant effort to do some actual work – it was time to get ready for another client event. Since this one was a cocktail reception at a swanky hotel, I had to upgrade to dress. Outfit #3:

BCBG geometric print dress; J. Crew schoolboy blazer
dress, BCBG (via eBay); shoes, Ferragamo (via consignment)

(Sorry about the terrible pic, but there was no way to take an unobtrusive photo, and I really didn’t want to explain the whole thing. Bathroom selfie next time, ‘Kay?)

Three hours later, my feet were just about ready to petition for secession from the rest of my body, and I was ready to call it a night. My final outfit of the (14 hour) day involved pyjamas, and might just have been my favourite. No, you’re not getting a picture of it.