What I Wore: Monday
Don’t worry; the spell-check on my computer still works. My aptitude for punny titles … still leaves something to be desired. To explain: I had a case of the Monday blues, so I wore burgundy, because it’s something of a pick-me-up colour for me, and it’s more or less guaranteed to work with whatever outfit I manage to throw together. Recipe for success? Well, maybe on a Monday.
I am wearing head-to-toeknee J. Crew (Factory), but the nice thing about monopolizing a store to that extent is that it increases the chances for a hastily-thrown-together outfit to look somewhat cohesive. Most of my Crew pieces are interchangeable, and I mean that in the best possible way. OK, that belt is probably too bright and fuchsia-leaning for the rest of the outfit here, but this outfit needed a jolt of something bright to get it off its one-way track to snoozeville. The result is … passable. Yes? Maybe? Vote in the comments.