Category: Uncategorized

Reconsidering the Wrap Dress

DVF wrap dress
Dress, DVF (via consignment); shoes, Calvin Klein; bag, Tory Burch

Like 99% of the fashion industry, I have sung the praises of the wrap dress – and, in particular, the iconic DVF wrap dress – more times than I can count on this blog. Let’s take a minute and recognize the best thing about wrap dresses, as embodied in this particular number: they are ever so accommodating. My mom and I have traded this dress back and forth for the last 5 or 6 years, and I have worn it while pregnant – twice. All told, it’s probably covered a swing of at least 2-3 sizes, looking none the worse for it.

But here comes the disclaimer: I’m less enthusiastic about wrap dresses than I used to be. I think it’s because I’m getting older. No, listen, hear me out. The older I get, the less patience I have for any fussiness in my clothes. And wrap dresses have a wee tendency to be fussy. If you want to wear them to the office (and I don’t have anywhere else to wear them), you need either a camisole, or double-sided tape. These days, I refuse to bother with camisoles under dresses (or dresses that require camisoles) because I hate having to worry about keeping them in place, and seam lines, etc. Just no. Double-sided tape is a fine invention and, clearly, I am not above using it, as these pictures attest. But … eh. Apart from the ouch factor at the end of the day, it’s just one more thing I have to remember, and fiddle with, and I just got no time for that. So, the wrap dress: maybe not a must-have after all.

DVF wrap dress
the bag (I’ve decided to keep it)
DVF wrap dress
the necklace (Swarovski)

Of course, I’m not rushing out to get rid of my DVFs just yet. A good silk jersey dress is still … a good silk jersey dress. Like, at least a few steps above a potato sack, and pretty flattering to boot, you know?

So, yada yada yada, I also wore a bunch of other things, but you’ve seen them all before. Talk about my hair instead? I’ve been obsessed with Taylor Swift’s new(ish) song, Style. It’s all moody (well, TSwizzle moody) and atmospheric and 80s-reminiscent, and I adore it. The guy in the video reminds me of my new(is) crush, that kid who plays the Winter Soldier in the Avengers movie. (Don’t ask. I don’t know. I think I’ve seen that movie too many times.) It’s this weird convergence, you know? Anyway, I ended up buying Taylor’s whole damn album in the end, because I guess I’m a sucker for 80s riffs, and one of her other songs (Wildest Dreams) reminded me of Lana Del Ray. So then I went and downloaded Summertime Sadness, which is my favourite LdR track for a variety of reasons, starting with the title. [I totally think that “summertime sadness” is a thing; I get it at the end of August every year. Which has nothing to do with anything, but now you know.] On the track, Lana talks (sings? drawls? sing-drawls?) about “big hair, beauty-queen style” and, you guys, that is totally what we have here. 70s-style big waves (actually, third day hair, if we want to get technical) to go with a 70s style icon.

Convergences, man.

DVF wrap dress
let’s wrap this up (ha-ha!)

Spring Blush

LOFT eyelet lace top
Top, LOFT (swap); cardigan, J. Crew (via consignment); pants, American Eagle; shoes, J. Crew Factory

This was one of those unassuming outfits that turns out better than expected. I mean, I’m not breaking any style ground here (what’s new?) but this is cute and comfortable, and it just works. No over-thinking required. Also, how lovely is this LOFT top? I think it’s a subtle way to wear lace at the office (always a dicey proposition), so I’m looking forward to remixing it in some work outfits. The armholes do gape a little oddly, but it’s not noticeable at all under a topper – minor quibble. Thanks again, R., for the swap find!

LOFT eyelet lace top
springtime … in March … say whaaaa

Can we talk about the weather for a second? I know it’s a hella boring subject, but I need to take a moment and marvel at the fact that we have been (almost) snow-free for a few weeks now … in March! We have a spring this year, ladies and gentlemen. At least, I’m calling it spring, officially, before Mother Nature can change her mind. And I’m putting my boots away, to show her I mean it. Here’s hoping my bluff works. [Edited to add: LOL. Nope. We got snow on the first official day of spring.]

LOFT eyelet lace top
necklaces, Tiffany & J. Crew

I’ve done this necklace layering thing before, but I figured you’d want to see it again. You’re welcome. I’ve also done the side ponytail before (a few times), and I guess you could say that I’m unrepentant about it; I don’t care if the consensus on these things is “yea” or “eww”, they’re helping me avoid “tiny insect head” syndrome when I pull my hair back, and if that involves looking like a middle-schooler, well, I ain’t above it. #adultingfail

LOFT eyelet lace top
basic but cute

New Month, New Dress

eci dress
Dress, Beige by eci; blazer, J. Crew; shoes, Stuart Weitzman; bag, MbMJ

Judging by all the compliments I got (at work and on Insta) on this dress, I think we can say that it was a good buy for $36. And a good way to start a new week, and a new month. Onwards and upwards (and drama free)!

eci dress
too edgy?

Let’s take a moment to run down the positives of this dress. The colours are palette-approved. The silhouette is flattering and pretty classic, but with a wee twist. Let me just add that the slit is for effect only, and there is no chance in hell that I could accidentally flash the managing partner. (The black underskirt thingie is sewn to the rest of the dress.) I briefly pondered if the dress might be a bit too edgy when I tried it on with black tights – and realized that it looked like the slit was going half way up my thigh. So, scratch that remixing idea.

Back to the dress. The only thing I’m still a little iffy on is the fabric. It’s not very … breathable. On the plus side, this dress should survive the Apocalypse, no problem; it seems pretty indestructible. Right now, with our temperatures still hovering firmly near the “arctic” end of the spectrum, the material does not seem to be too much of a problem, even under a blazer. In the summer, it could be another story. We shall see.

eci dress
the indestructible dress?
eci dress
oh, look, I have a bag

Want to hear a funny story? This was the day that I decided I just couldn’t stand my bangs for one moment longer, and took matters into my own hands – with a pair of office scissors in the bathroom at work. OK, maybe this is not so much a funny story as a cautionary one. Don’t do this at home, friends, because you too might accidentally almost cut off a finger in the process. (I’m not kidding. I wish I was.) Still, the end result did not look too terrible … and I got to feel like a true MacGyver for the day. (The real MacGyver is, like, “bitch, take a seat.” Whatever, guy. When was the last time you cut your own bangs with dull scissors in shitty lighting? Huh?)

eci dress
MacGyvering my bangs
eci dress
photo overload … ok, I’m done