I’m by no means suggesting this is anywhere near as revolutionary or iconic as Dior’s New Look. Au contraire: it’s traditional and unremarkable. But, I think it shows my commitment to adulting my work wardrobe. And the fact that I am, on occasion, capable of restraint. Also, I didn’t hate this outfit; in fact, I thought it was positively cute. But, like, grown-up cute. I allowed myself one print, and because the print was black-and-white, I threw in a hint of colour. I’ve learned my lesson trying to pair accessories with this shirt (answer: don’t), so I kept everything else simple. And then went and flooffed up my hair, because my restraint has limits, y’all.
I loved how the three layers looked this morning. (My camel coat makes everything look classy, though.) Maybe there is something in minimalism after all.