Category: Uncategorized

What I Wore: Work Wardrobe Capsule

So, did you notice? For my first month back at work, I decided to tweak the 30 x 30 idea, and create my own version of a work wear mini-capsule. Well, perhaps not so “mini”; I ended up using 26 pieces, not including outerwear, shoes, or other accessories. Considering how excited I’ve been about finally getting to wear all of my work clothes again (of which, be assured, there are far more than 26 pieces), I think this demonstrated admirable restraint on my part. Minimalism, c’est moi.


The French would put it perfectly: plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. The more things change, the more they stay the same. So it is with your minimalism-averse blogger. Even when I try, I still want all the things. But, hey, I tried.

Here’s a look back at all 22 outfits, for no reason other than so you can appreciate my remixing efforts in all their collective glory. Pats on the back highly encouraged.

work capsule; office capsule wardrobe
one, two, three
work capsule; office capsule wardrobe
four, five, six
work capsule; office capsule wardrobe
seven, eight, nine
work capsule; office capsule wardrobe
ten, eleven, twelve
work capsule; capsule wardrobe
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
work capsule; capsule wardrobe
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen
work wardrobe, work capsule
nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two

(I actually wore my Yoana Baraschi jacket again, but it was a do-over of my very first outfit, so I didn’t include it here. Yep, I wore the Exact. Same. Outfit. Twice. I should hand in my blogger badge right now.)

And here is my favourite #ootd photo-taking moment of the month: getting photobombed by a complete (dapper!) stranger. Here’s how it went down, as capture in blurry (what other kind is there?) iPhone pics:

OOTD photobombing; edmonton street style
how it all went down: (1) I spot the photobomber; (2) wait, he’s really going to go for it; (3) well, alright then!

And now tell me: would you like to see a wrap-up post like this every month? Not all my outfits make it to Instagram, and not all of the ones that do make it on the blog. So there would be some novelty involved. Plus, mini capsules! Take it away in the comments.

My Dress Game

Max Studio waffle knit dress; J Crew schoolboy blazer
Dress, Max Studio (via consignment); blazer, Talula (via Kijiji); necklace, H&M; shoes, Ivanka Trump; bag, Mulberry (via consignment)

… has been pretty great this year, dontcha think? I found this dress, and this one, and this one. And, oh, this one too. I’m probably forgetting a few more. Amidst such greatness, I’d be hard-pressed to say that this Max Studio number is my best dress find of the year. So I’ll just say that I love it an awful lot.

Max Studio waffle knit dress; Max studio fit n flare dress
sans jacket

I love this silhouette, and it’s wonderfully accommodating to my shape. The material is some sort of lightweight knit – it’s soft and stretchy, but has a good amount of weight to it so it doesn’t cling unbecomingly, and it’s comfortable as hell. Not bad for $25.

Black , Red & Paisley

BCBG paperbag waist skirt; LOFT yellow floral paisley top
Top, LOFT (via consignment); skirt, BCBG; cardigan, J. Crew Factory; shoes, Ellen Tracy

Sometimes, I worry that I default too easily to black as my outfit crutch, and overdose on the basic bitchness of it all. Other times, black is just the ticket. A bright, loud, yellow pattern and red shoes? Black makes it all possible, whilst keeping the clownish quotient way down.

Banana Republic chambray chic tassel necklace
necklace, Banana Republic

I love how well this necklace blends in with the said bright, loud print, but adds just a touch of sparkle. It’s also great for fidgeting with. I think my best thoughts while fidgeting, so this is a handy necklace to wear to work.

BCBG paperbag waist skirt; LOFT yellow floral paisley top
sorry about the blurry