Acid wash denim cut-offs … at my age? Never say never, I guess. I bought these shorts as a joke, mostly. I’m planning to hit up the Sonic Boom concert in September with a couple of girlfriends, and decided that if I’m going to relive my early twenties (the last time I saw a concert of any sort was circa 2004), I might as well dress the part. And, um, this is what Manic Pixie Dream Girls wear these days, right?
Having bought the damn thing, I decided to take it for a test drive, as it were, to see if I could pull it off without looking (and, more importantly, feeling) ridiculous. A family trip to Old Strathcona and the river valley seemed like as good an opportunity as any, especially on a beautiful, hot Saturday afternoon. And you know what? I never noticed before, but it seems like everyone is wearing short-shorts these days. This pair is pretty comfortable, all things considered*, so I really had no reasons to feel self-conscious. Never say never, indeed.
* And those things are that I found them in the “juniors” section at Winners for $14.