Category: Uncategorized

30 x 30: Two

YSL Besace bag; Mel jelly flats
Skirt & cardigan, J. Crew Factory; top, eBay; shoes, Mel; bag, YSL (via consignment)

I know. I’ve shown you this exact outfit before. And umpteen variations of it. Chalk this up to my “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach to dressing. So style, much fashion. But check out my cute new jelly flats:

Mel jelly flats
Mel jelly flats

I’m an 80s kid, but I grew up in a Communist regime, so my 80s were not like your 80s. Let’s just say that there are a few pop culture references missing from my mental archives. Because there is nothing I love more than useless information, I have retroactively filled in some of the gaps, but jelly shoes are still a relatively new phenomenon to me. I’ve been avoiding them for the last couple of years because the idea of wearing plastic on my feet struck me as atrocious, and I had no nostalgic memories to offset the squickiness.

And then I saw these Mel flats. They are, like, aggressively adorable, no? The flower reminds me of Chanel’s famous camellia, and the beige is a nice versatile colour, though it does blend in with my irremediably pasty skin making my feet look vaguely creepy-mannequin-come-to-life-esque. Ok, I’m not selling these very well, am I? Bottom line: I love them, I bought them. They’re fairly comfy. Minimally weird feeling. Only $13. I stand by my choices.

Grecian Gray

What I Wore: Baby Shower

Dreamy Drape Dress Plenty by Tracy Reece; Zara sparkly flats
Dress, Plenty by Tracy Reese (via eBay); cardigan & necklace, J. Crew Factory; shoes, Zara

I love, love, love this dress, and I’m sad that I’m forced to ruin it with a cardigan every time I wear it. Let’s move on before this veers into a weather rant. Hey, looky, I’m wearing my Tinkerbell shoes again! And they’re still obnoxiously, wonderfully sparkly.

Also, teal. As a redhead, I feel like I should like (and wear) teal more than I do. (Conversely, I should love mustard yellow less than I do, but the heart wants what it wants.) Teal is like … broccoli. It’s probably good for me, but I will find every excuse to not have to eat wear it. Unless I feel guilty about a recent chocolate binge in which case … wait. What am I talking about again? Oh yes, teal. We have a like/mild indifference relationship.

I’m not indifferent about this necklace:

J. Crew Factory necklaceWhat colour is your broccoli?

[This post was brought to you by Adina’s stream-of-consciousness at some ungodly late hour. Insomnia is a terrible thing, friends.]

Casual Corner

What I Wore: Playground Daze

Grey Chucks,
Jeans, American Eagle (via consignment); t-shirt & jacket, Old Navy; shoes, Converse

You know what this blog needs more of? Super dressed down, casual outfits. Said no BCRL reader ever. And yet, here we are. Let me see: can I blame this on my kids somehow? Sure. This is my going-to-the-playground outfit, so they are totally responsible for it. And for putting it on the blog. Yes.

So, for the hypothetical curious reader, this is basically what I wear when I have to leave the house, but getting dirty is a real possibility. Comfy shoes (that can stand getting a little beat up), stretchy pants (always a good idea), t-shirt, and a jacket with big pockets (for my keys and cell phone). The height of normcore – all this time, you guys never even knew how truly ahead of the fashion curve I am.

Obligatory foot selfie. (Felfie? Foolfie? Yes, foolfie it is.)

grey ChucksMy kid plays to the beat of his own (makeshift) drum …


And here is a slightly dressed up version of the same outfit. Swap out the field jacket for a blazer, add a nicer (possibly even ironed) t-shirt and – voila! I am now ready for the ball. And by “ball”, I mean running errands. Of course.

grey Chucks
Jeans, American Eagle; t-shirt, Joe Fresh; blazer, J. Crew (via consignment); shoes, Converse; bag, MbMJ (via consignment)