March was a long month, but seemed to fly by. It’s hard to believe that we are already in Q2 of 2017. On one hand, I am happy because it means that summer is almost here, and summer is my favourite time of year. Also, vacation time, baby! On the other hand, time needs to slow the heck down because at this rate my kids will be teenagers in the blink of an eye, and I AM NOT READY. I am still struggling to process the fact that we don’t have babies anymore. My daughter, the “baby” of the family, is very much her own person, with very definite Ideas about Things, which she is not afraid to share, invited or not. That includes clothes, by the way — her own and mine. I walked into her bedroom the other week to find a perfect flatlay of her choices for that day’s outfit. I haven’t actively encouraged her interest in clothing, so it’s amusing to me to see her develop it — presumably from observation. Well, not the flatlay part; that’s a skill she certainly didn’t learn from me, as my Instagram can attest.
Anyway, here’s some clothes I wore (and did not attempt to flatlay):

Although there are certainly some less successful outfits in the lot, I am quite happy with most of them. There was a lot of joy being sparked, KonMari style. Strangely (perhaps), I feel like some of my non-favourite outfits were the result of deliberate attempts to re-mix statement items a few times throughout the month. I think this might be a process issue; creating outfits based on “set” list of pieces is different than creating outfits purely based on what combination sparks joy at a given moment, and perhaps that affects the results. I’m tempted to abandon any and all attempts at a monthly capsule, and take a more free-form approach to outfit planning in the future — even if that means never re-wearing the same dress or skirt in a given month. After all, that should count as a perk of a large wardrobe, no?
For a fun comparison, here is what I wore in March 2015, and March 2016.
Such lovely outfits! You have great style.
Gemma x
Five, seven, and eleven are my very favorite! I want to re-create each of them, exactly as they are. Love!