I admit it. I may have gone a little overboard with the matchiness this time. Things is, there is a lot going on here — bold print, bright colours. I tried a different, more colourful blazer, and it seemed too much. The greige felt more sedate, and it`s an almost perfect match for the background colour in the print. Since the pink is also represented in the print … well, it`s all next level matchy. Together with the more professionalish silhouette, it`s all very Old Adina. Hey, it still works.
I have a whole rainbow of these wool J. Crew pencil skirts — all solid colours, all very classic — that I rarely wear these days. It seems a shame to get rid of them, as they are decent quality and will probably never look truly outdated, but I kinda hate seeing them hanging in my closet, unworn. I think I am going to make this one of my style “challenges” this winter: finding fresh ways to adapt them to my current aesthetic.
Everything else here is varying degrees of “not new”, especially my shoes. These Jimmy Choos are one of my first true designer thrift finds; I think I got them sometime back in 2012. And they`re still kicking! I recently found an awesome new cobbler who fixed them up with new heel tips; he also suggested that I reinforce the soles on my next visit to keep them going for a few more years. They cost me $8 back in the day but they are basically priceless at this point. I am still hoping the universe is kind enough to send another (back up) pair my way one of these days. Fingers crossed!