I mean, for real: you have seen these pieces so many times. Don’t hate me for subjecting you to them one more time. I do love this sweatshirt so, so much (in case that wasn’t amply clear). I normally wouldn’t wear a sweatshirt to work, but it was Be Seen In Jeans week (aka casual everyday) so I figured I could pull it off on this occasion.

I bought this bracelet yeeeears ago (to wit, 2004) on a stopover in London. The pound was as strong against the Canadian dollar as it is … well, always … so it cost me a pretty penny (even though it was just costume jewelry from a high street store) but I just had to have it – even on my then-student budget – because I loved it so. I still think it’s pretty special, and I’m glad I remembered it and dug it out for this occasion. It goes so well with these other old, favourite things.

Pockets! I actually don’t think you look particularly casual, and that might be one of my favorite ways I’ve seen you wear that sweater! And the bracelet is lovely too ๐
It’s mine too! I’ve been looking for an excuse to wear this outfit forEVER! I just can’t get past the sweatshirt aspect – which is why I think of it as “casual”.
As a fellow Albertan, I’m very curious about your legs. Are you wearing hose or bare legs? do you change your shoes at work? Or are you lucky enough to drive from garage to garage? I feel like once it’s past September I live in tights and boots.
Howdy there! I wear nylons to work, and boots (with socks) on my commute. I get dropped off and picked up at the LRT station, which is connected by pedway to my office tower. So I don’t spent a lot of time outdoors during the work week – thankfully!
I’ve always loved that sweater! Such a great piece!
Roxi – http://www.goldenpolkadots.blogspot.com
Thanks! It’s one of my faves, for sure.
Easily my favorite way you’ve styled The Sweater (as I lovingly refer to it). Also, it’s no surprise to anyone that this skirt is my favorite item you own. <3 <3 <3
Hahaha! That sweater will forever be linked with me in Google images, I swear. Thanks, babe ๐