I stalked this skirt in eBay for what felt like months, and I finally caved in and probably overpaid for it, but damn if it’s not pretty amazing. It fits perfectly, and it’s got lots of cute details — pheasant included. I decided it was the perfect piece to wear on a extra special day.

Last week, my husband surprised me with last minute tickets to see the one and only Margaret Atwood deliver the 19th Annual Kreisel Lecture for the Canadian Literature Centre. He told me that “since you are a writer, you should meet other writers.” Beyond sweet, right? Well, he knows me well, because I loved the lecture — although I’m pretty sure it’s impossible not to love listening to Margaret Atwood. She’s brilliant, and warm, and wonderfully funny.

I know most people have read at least one, if not more, of Atwood’s novels but I would encourage you to check out her poetry as well. It was a revelation to me in my early 20s, and a huge influence in a lot of my early writing (ok, my terrible attempts at poetry, but still.)

An amazing skirt AND Margaret Atwood? So jealous. I think I must have read The Blind Assassin about ten times now.
She was so lovely! Such a great sense of humour, and it was nice to learn about Canadian literary history as seen through th eyes of someone who was there.