I wrote this post because I finally made it to the Old Strathcona farmers market not long ago, and I wanted to show you all the gorgeous stuffs I found there. I don’t even love veggies that much, and yet I had a hard time stopping myself from buying enough of them to feed a small army.

So, yeah, I also wore some clothes. I’ve been trying to get as much wear as I can out of these white jeans before summer ends. I like the visual results in most cases, but the stress is getting to me. Small kids + klutzy me + white anything just doesn’t mix. I am constantly checking myself for stains, and even when I don’t find any, the anxiety is always there. Lovers of white jeans, how do you do it?
My stain-phobia stopped me from wearing my white jeans with this next outfit, although I think it would have been a killer combo. I wore my light wash skinnies instead, sigh.

This floral Deletta top was one of my faves a couple of years ago, but I haven’t worn it much lately. Last week I thought to myself, “Self, we need to do something about this!” and thus this outfit was born. And, yes, all my internal monologues are that thrilling.

You look great in both outfits! Discovering your blog (from Franish maybe? or Outfit Posts?) has reinvigorated a MAJOR thrifting crush and I’ve found a ton of great stuff recently! $3.50 brand new Vince Camuto pumps, an $8 J Crew moto jacket, and tons of other great stuff. Thank you!
That’s fantastic! Nothing can beat awesome thrift finds like that. I find it definitely stimulates my creativity with clothes, more so than shopping at the mall. It’s fun!
oof do not part with that Deletta top Adina, you can always make that one work for your new colorful minimalist thing, even if only a handful of times a year. Lovely weekend outfits, I would have had a hard time resisting all the fresh veg as well but it’s only me that eats it willingly!