Something New


This was an attempt to “think outside the box” in terms of silhouette. I think I mostly pulled it off? It’s definitely a creative take on business casual; while my office is pretty chill when it comes to the dress code, I played it safe by wearing this on a Casual-Friday-adjacent Thursday. Did not get any perplexed stares, so I’m counting it as a win. The duster cardigan thing is one half of a Sarah Pacini ensemble I thrifted last year; together, the pieces have too much of a “Cathy on the moors” gothic princess vibe, so I’ve decided to separate them for now – though, someday, I definitely plan to go for the full effect. I paired it with a very basic top+trouser combo to keep things a bit more low-key. Here’s a close-up of the necklace, which is pretty neat:

Something Old


This is an “old Adina” dress, but it’s too nice to pack away. The rust coloured blazer nicely complements the grey, and picks up some of the colour on the floral print. I think this dress would be far more interesting with a different shape on the bottom – maybe a midi-length, tulip style wrap skirt. But, alas, I have no sewing abilities to speak of, and I’m also no fairy godmother, so re-designing a dress is outside my skill set.

Neither Borrowed Nor Blue


I would be a far more successful blogger if I could manage to keep the punny title train going for at least an entire post. Oh well. I like this culotte outfit a lot, so you’re seeing it in lieu of anything blue. This is my take on “mom uniform” – linen culottes subbing for jeans, but otherwise basic and comfortable. The flats are the most comfortable; they’re a new-to-me brand (Me Too) but I love their aesthetic and their practicality. I think they’ll end up being my go-to walking flats this summer, as my beloved Kelsi Dagger loafers have kicked the bucket while my back-up pair by Jones NY is not far behind. Replacement of staple items is one of the downsides of thrifting, because finding a specific item is always a crapshoot, but I got lucky in this case — though I’m still on the look-out for another pair of loafers. For now, though, I will count this as a happy ending.

Happy (belated) Canada day!

4 Comments on What I Wore: June 26 – July 1, 2018

  1. I really like the first one. I actually snagged that Floreat skirt you wear off of ebay. It’s my new favorite summer piece. (Summer is as close as I come to having a capsule wardrobe – I just rotate through the same handful of cotton dresses because it’s so damn hot in nyc).

    Out of curiosity, do you ever thrift furniture? You might not need to at this point, since you’ve had your house for what seems like a while. Just curious. You’ve really been a big influence on turning me to thrifting/poshmark.

    • I’m so glad you’re liking the skirt!!

      I thrift most of our home decor, but not furniture per se. I’m not opposed to it, I just haven’t come across pieces that I/we like and need in thrift stores. Our current stuff is mostly a mix of IKEA, Structube (small chain store), and HomeSense. We’re big fans of IKEA hacks in particular, which helps a lot because our design aesthetic would otherwise be $$$$ 😆

  2. I am always surprised when I see your outfits….is it not SUMMER in Canada? In Toronto it’s sweltering hot.

    You are always in so many layers, I can’t imagine wearing those in June/July!

    (I’m mostly joking, but not totally)

    • I am always cold, lol! The office has the AC cranked. And even outside, apart from a few days of 25-29 degree weather, it’s been mostly low 20s or below. Mornings especially can be chilly. It’s been an okay summer … for Edmonton 😂