Hard to believe another month has passed and yet … at the same time, not. Days sometimes feel long, but weeks seem to pass in quick succession. My son was complaining about how fast time was going a while back, and part of me was, like, “kiddo, just you wait!” It’s fun seeing the world through his eyes, though, even if it makes me even more acutely aware of how long ago I was in his shoes. Next up on the agenda: prepping for Halloween. You best believe that, if not for the kids, I wouldn’t be marking the occasion in any special way. Some people are Halloween people; I am not. Nothing against Halloween, but the whole hoopla around it is exhausting to me. And I feel like I’m running on fumes at the best of times.

How about some outfits?

Not a bad month even if it was full of neutrals. Thrifting has picked up again in a major way, so I’ve had quite a few new pieces come into my closet. It makes me feel like I need to step up my game. I also have to take stock of what’s in my closet and decide if it’s in need of some editing (Narrator voice: “it always was”). With winter around the corner (and the short, cold days ahead) I don’t want to fall into a rut. For next month, I’m going back to a monthly colour scheme in an effort to stay away from wearing all black, all the time. I’m thinking green and mustard yellow (goldenrod?) but we shall see.

5 Comments on What I Wore: September 2019

  1. Beautiful! I love how experimental you’re getting with silhouettes. Makes me want to rethink my own stale combos.

  2. I enjoy the pops of red this month! Also I support mustard/goldenrod – that’s a great colour for fall.