Wrap It Up

Whew, can you believe 2021 is only a couple of weeks old? To say that there has been a lot happening is an understatement. Writing here has been the last thing on my mind; I’ve been glued to my phone reading news updates, trying to wrap my head around what is happening around the world. I’m not sure if anyone still reads blogs in 2021, but if you’re here – first of all, thanks, and second, I’ll keep this short and sweet so we can all go back to more important business. And if you’re on IG, I encourage you to connect with me there because I not only post more frequently (content that I never seem to find the time to develop into longform blog posts) but also on a broader range of topics.
Anyway, this was my first work outfit of 2021 and it was a perfect encapsulation of my WFH style: comfortable but cute. The dress is a Maria Cornejo number I picked up on Poshmark, and it’s made from velour but feels like a bath robe. A fancy bathrobe! I added a belt to make it so, hah.
Mermaid Blue

Pantone picked its colours for 2021, but this aqua blue is mine. I am officially calling it “mermaid blue”. I’m obsessed. This used to be my favourite colour 20 years ago, and then I sort of moved on from it … why? I don’t remember, but whatever the reason was, it couldn’t have been a good one. I mean, just look how beautiful and soothing it is. We all need something soothing this year, no?
A New Grandma’s Floral Couch

Some of you may remember the original Grandma’s Couch floral pants; don’t worry, I still have them. Wouldn’t part with those for the world. I love them so much, even after 6+ years, that I immediately picked up this new version I spotted at the thrifts. I like the faded red-backed floral – a somewhat unusual choice – and I especially love it paired with the other warm colours in this outfit. I generally prefer the cool end of the spectrum, but this is a strong argument in favour of keeping my wardrobe more balanced.
Gucci Gang

I had to finally take this thrifted Gucci blouse for a spin, so to speak. Did I feel extra fancy that day? Maybe, possibly. Honestly, what I felt was mostly worried … worried that I would spill something on myself, or somehow manage to rip the fabric. I don’t know what it is about silk shirts in particular, but I am extra klutzy when I wear them. Had I paid retail for this particular shirt, I don’t know I would actually be able to wear it anywhere. I might have had to get it framed instead 😉
The New Stripes

This continues to be one of my fave skirts; I love how it makes even a simple outfit like this look special. I think the necklace also ties everything nicely together, reflecting the same colours that are found on the skirt. Mostly, I just love this silhouette; a long column, body-skimming but not tight at all. I’ve starting sizing up in most of my bottoms (skirts, mostly) in order to get that extra little bit of wiggle room, and it’s been the best decision.
ALL such beautiful choices! Thank you for still updating your blog. I really enjoy our posts!
Thanks, Ann! It’s nice to have my own space (especially in case I can get fed with IG algorithm shenanigans) and there are definitely times when I feel the need to get back into writing. I’m hoping for more time to do that this year.
Mermaid blue is the perfect name for that colour!
It reminds me of the ocean water in the Caribbean. I guess it’s close to what used to be called seafoam green (which I feel gets an undeserved bad rap?!).
I love that color and was just thinking that looks like seafoam to me. I live with a guitarist and electric guitars all have fancier paint color names than I would ever expect, he definitely has a seafoam Strat that would match your mermaid outfit perfectly!
ooh, that sounds very cool!
I can sympathize on the silk blouse. I have an unerring ability to pair cream silk tops with orders for curry noodles, always with disastrous consequences. I love the aqua skirt. I have been sorting results on the sites I stalk by color, and buying just my favorites. I don’t know if at some point I will get tired of my personal palette. Thus far it has been fun to have everything from my fleeces to this year’s winter coat be favorites, rather than working with what is currently trending.
I think I just jinx myself at this point. It just seems … inevitable.
I do enjoy having a colour palette because it makes it easy to do monochromatic outfits, which I love.
The wrap outfit is perfect! I love the way it works with the belt.
I feel like it benefits a lot from a belt; without it, it’s a bit too bathrobe-y. But I am going to experiment with different belts and stuff and see.
This Maria Cornejo dress and belt looks chic “AF” on you.
I’m also into this mermaid blue as you call it – that sweater and skirt pair so well together.
I had to do the head to toe mermaid blue look, but for my next trick (haha!) I can’t wait to figure out different colour combos for the blue. Brown, for sure.
Long time reader here. I’m so glad you maintain this blog. I prefer blog posts to ig, there is room for greater context here rather than a mere snaphot+caption. Your colour combinations are fab!
Happy New Year!
Thank you, and happy New Year to you as well!
The blog isn’t going anywhere, I will always have something to say – haha! I hope I will also have more time/energy to actually write stuff this year. There are just too many hobbies in my life, and not enough time …
Thanks for sharing–and I especially love the mermaid blue! But beautiful outfits all around. And thanks for continuing to post to your blog–I always enjoy reading and seeing.
Thank you, Emily ❤️