My latest creative efforts have been somewhat more scattered and infrequent than usual, but I’ve been trying to do a little bit, here and there, whenever possible. I have taken to calling it my “colour therapy”: having lots of colour around me helps to cheer me up, so whether it’s interior design, or clothing, or my art projects, that’s what I’m craving lately.

I’ve got a few more jewelry pieces under my belt. Sourcing of stones remains my biggest challenge, but I did find some smaller labradorites to play around with.

The Phoenix necklace: two loose labradorites, plus some stones salvaged from an old Stella & Dot necklace. This is one of my favourite pieces.

The Leto necklace: raw rose quartz. It’s not as heavy as it looks, and it’s quite versatile.

The Dido necklace: labradorite plus an old copper pendant (love the verdigris!)

The Daisy necklace – hard to capture its fire, but here is a close-up:

And this is the Cleopatra necklace. It’s my second attempt at an “evil eye” motif, and I’m quite happy with how it turned out.

Last but not least, the Clio ring.

I also dabbled briefly with some acrylics – craving that extra burst of colour:

I have a few more pieces on the easel, but nothing that feels finished yet. Sometimes, you have to sit with a piece for a while. Learning to sit with things, and give them their own time, has a been a big lesson for me over the last year or so.

Last but not least, I also tackled a couple of embroidery projects.

I started this one a few years ago, and finally got around to finishing it. Can you guess who it’s supposed to be?

I’m calling this one the “Easter Moon” – it came out a little more pastel-bright than I had originally envisioned, but I do love how punchy it is.

I would love to hear about your creative projects or plans you’re cooking up. And, as always, happy crafting!