As mentioned in a previous post, I decided to have a closer look at the Spring 2022 runway collections to glean new inspiration for my style avatars. On the whole, I didn’t find a lot of designs that spoke loudly to my personal aesthetic. This is okay. Fashion and trends are not meant to be synonymous with personal style. My own goal is two-fold. On one hand, I want to remain open to change and new ideas in design/style (and all things, tbh) because it is how we grow and evolve, and to the extent that style is an extension of who we are, it should also evolve. On the other hand, I want to be able to maintain my own perspective on style, rather than merely wearing whatever trends are popular at a given time simply because they are popular. It’s a fine balancing act, but I find it gets easier with age. Yes, even the openness to change. I have never been more curious and excited to learn new things.
Anyway, here are some of the images that spoke to me in relation to my avatars.

In truth, these outfits fit an older iteration of the High Priestess/Crone avatar. I’m finding myself look towards a slightly modified aesthetic here — more Byzantine and ornate and colourful. But the silhouettes are fantastic.

The Artist is definitely all about soft, fluid lines, but with additional volume. Lots and lots of volume. And more colour than before, especially soft colours and pastels. And pink and green! My inspiration continues to be an amalgam of Pre-Raphaelite and Art Nouveau art — long hair, fancy nap dresses.

There were slim pickings for the Historian/Luxe Academic/Diana Bishop avatar on the spring 2022 runways, but that’s okay. I have my own ideas and have been experimenting more with this avatar again. But I’m intrigued by the images above – those high waisted pants (drool!), the luxe menswear inspired suiting, the creative layering.

The Bohemian always garners lots of inspo, and this year was no exception. I am especially loving the patchwork/colourful knits moment that is happening right now.
What is inspiring your 2022 style journey?