I am continuing to make my way through the stash of vintage fashion magazines that I scored a while ago, and finding so much relevant style inspo. And what I mean by that is inspiration that is very much relevant to current fashion in general, as well as the 90s revival currently happening. Prior to this, my idea of (late) 80s and (early) 90s fashion was easily summed up in one word: “dated”. It’s probably because I didn’t experience it firsthand (I was a kid/tween/teenager and didn’t really get interested in fashion until after 1995) but had the impression that it was all hideous shoulder pads and garish colours. And, while there is *some* of that (especially in Cosmo which tends to be more high street than high fashion), I’ve been so surprised to see outfits and pieces that I would unhesitatingly wear today — would LOVE to wear today.
Case in point (all photos from Harper’s Bazaar):

That last photos is the most “80s” of the bunch, but the pattern is so fabulous that I would be tempted to overlook those power shoulders anyway. I think what has surprised me the most is the styling; I have seen stunning accessories along the way, of the kind that really appeals to me – big, bold, architectural. It has inspired me to look anew towards vintage jewelry.
Another thing that I have noticed with interest are the prices of the clothes. By and large, they are very much in line with current day prices (both at the expensive end of the scale, and the inexpensive end). For example, the Comme des Garcons ensemble in the second photo from the top cost $300-$600 a piece. What is interesting is that the cost of most other consumer goods back then were much lower than current prices. I’ve found numerous references in the same magazines to salaries, and it’s clear that $30K was considered a good salary (for a woman, at least) back then. By the same logic, clothing should cost way more now than it does … and yet it doesn’t. And that has been the starkest example of the influence of fast fashion (and its downward pressure on clothing costs) that I’ve come across yet. Food for thought.
I am about to get into the Vogue stash next (which I had been saving for last) so stay tuned for the next instalment.
Oh man that houndstooth blazer! I HAD that blazer! Thrifted, yes maam, in brown and black houndstooth wool. I love that kimono-type shirt and obi-type belt over the blue striped pants.
Oh wow! What a cool find!