This week, we continue the 2023 Favourites recap with a look at my most-loved purchases of the year. This is always a tough exercise for me because I get very attached to my clothes … but that’s a good thing, right? We should care about the things we bring into our life. I had to make some very, very tough decisions in order to get this list down to a manageable (?) 15 pieces. Needless to say, I bought (a lot) more than 15 items; but I also gifted, swapped, and donated a fair amount as well. Keeping things in circulation is always the goal. And, once again, the vast majority of clothing I bought this year was secondhand.
So, without further ado and in no particular order:
Reitmans sweater (thrifted, $10)

This goes to show that, sometimes, the brand of clothing is irrelevant. I haven’t shopped at Reitmans in … well, I don’t remember how long. Maybe ever. But the minute I saw this sweater at the thrift store, I knew I had to have it. I’ve worn it more than a half dozen times, which is no mean feat considering just how many sweaters I already own. This is the one I reach for whenever the occasion calls for a “nice” outfit and I’m in doubt about the level of dressiness involved. It’s not too much; not too little. Just perfect.
Pendleton wool coat (Poshmark, $120)

I adore Pendleton blankets and had dreamt of having a blanket coat of my own for a while before randomly stumbling on the deal of the century year on Poshmark. It’s not only a beautiful design; the colours couldn’t be more up my alley. I know this will be a piece I treasure for years and, hopefully, some day pass along to my daughter.
Charlie Holiday dress ($14, thrift)

This was my perfect “throw it on and go” summer dress. I adore this style – long, tiered, voluminous – and find it so easy to dress up and down.
Ralph Lauren shirt ($5, thrift)

Are you sick of seeing this shirt yet? Who knew that an oversized men’s shirt could be so versatile? Well, I had a good guess, which is why I hunted this one down. The blue and white stripe is a classic for a reason; it really does go with almost anything.
Roksanda Ilincic skirt ($8, thrift)

I didn’t see as much designer stuff at the thrifts this year as in the past, but this was one piece that caught my eye immediately. I don’t tend to buy things solely for the brand anymore, but this skirt checks off all my boxes. The silhouette, in particular, is absolutely My Thing.
Banana Republic jeans ($35, retail)

I bought a small number of items at retail this year, and this pair of jeans is one of the purchases I definitely don’t regret. The style and fit are great! Not gonna lie; this made me start paying attention to Banana Republic again. I’ve resisted falling into retail shopping habits again, but I’ve been keeping an eye on BR’s new collections, particularly as it comes to pants and jeans. They know what they’re doing.
Laredo boots ($77, consignment)

I got these boots as a “granny boot” adjacent option in the spring and, boy, did they ever prove to be a wonderful purchase come fall. I’ve worn them nonstop since September. I love that they can be paired with pants and jeans, as well as dresses and skirts for a bit of a goth/grunge vibe. And they’re comfy AF.
Paloma Picasso bag ($48, Poshmark)

This was a bag I had my eye on for over a year before I pulled the trigger. Which I did after catching a great price on Poshmark. I love the size, style and signature “X” hardware – the latter is eye-catchy, without being too logo-centric. This is my current go-to everyday black bag.
DKNY skirt ($56, Poshmark)

We all remember the story of this skirt, and how it was a lucky Poshmark find during my search for a very specific style of skirt (black, stretchy, with a sheer panel). Well, I love it. It’s another piece I know I will have for years, and one that will serve me through any number of style evolutions.
Ralph Lauren blazer ($56, Poshmark)

By now, it is surely no secret how much I love vintage Ralph Lauren pieces. I had been patiently waiting to find a wool tweed blazer for months, so when this beauty popped up on Poshmark for a song (do you sense a theme here?), I snapped it up immediately. The colours are perfect for my fall wardrobe, and it’s a classic style that will never go out of fashion for me.
Cowboy boots ($25, thrift)

Are you surprised to see cowboy boots on this list? So am I! But these boots were a real revelation. I am only sad that I didn’t find them earlier in the summer, because oh, all the outfits that we could have created together! But it’s all good; next summer, I’ll be ready.
Prairie Trail Goods jacket ($105, retail)

Y’all know that I have a few handmade and upcycled pieces from my friend Josh, the genius behind Prairie Trail Goods. I love and treasure them all, and I couldn’t resist adding this darling little number to my collection. The quilt pattern and contrast sleeves are so “me”. I am patiently waiting for warm seasons to come round again so I can wear it. In the meantime, it’s hanging in pride of place in my closet so I can look at it whenever I need a little boost of joy.
Coach bags ($0, swap; $130, Poshmark)

Technically, the whiskey brown bag was a swap not a purchase, but I had to include it here because it had been on my wishlist for ages. The mahogany brown one was another lucky Poshmark find; the colour is unusual and lovely, the condition is quite good, and the price was pretty reasonable given the current market for vintage Coach. These two join my beloved red Coach bag in what I hope to be a growing collection.
Ralph Lauren jacket ($100, FB Marketplace)

I don’t use FB for social media, so I always forget that Marketplace exists. I’m glad I remember from time to time, though, because I’ll randomly stumble on something amazing there like this vintage RL southwestern print coat. It has those wonderful Pendleton vibes, but it’s a completely different colour palette than my Pendleton coat which makes it a fab addition to my coat collection.
Ralph Lauren skirt ($103, eBay)

Let me come clean: I came across this skirt while looking for a different vintage floral RL skirt on eBay. The listing for that skirt was higher than my budget, but this one just about squeaked under it so I went for it. It might seem like a bad idea to buy something simply because it’s cheaper but, of course, there’s more to it than that. I fell in love with this skirt on its own merits; the patchwork style, in particular, really appealed to me, as did the colour palette. And, at the end of the day, one can never have enough RL skirts 😊
Just commenting to tell you thank you for blogging so frequently. Yours is one of the few blogs that I still check regularly and I love to follow along.
Ditto!! I love your blog so much and I’m so glad you keep it up.