Hey friends! Quick note: I did something super fun recently and I would love for you to hear all about it. Literally! I was a guest on the Get Thrifty Podcast and had great time talking with host Maggie Scivicque (@PodcastWithMaggie) about taking style risks and thrifting pieces that become the foundational building blocks of your style. You can listen here or look it up wherever you get your podcasts.

Details: White + Warren sweater, Ports International blazer, Fossil belt (all thrifted), Ralph Lauren skirt (eBay), J. Crew shoes (retail)
Thoughts: Y’all know how I feel about this skirt so we won’t dwell on that subject again. It’s so good, it speaks for itself. It does feel like a summer skirt but I am determined not to put it on ice for 6 months, so I’ve been looking for ways to winterize it. This time, I decided to pick up on the pinks in the skirt pattern, and add some rich, chocolate browns. It’s a low-key but pleasing combination. Also, very cozy. The sweater is cashmere, the coat is velvety corduroy, and the skirt is soft flannel, so I felt like I was wrapped in a cozy cloud.

Details: Tommy Hilfiger vest & bag, Fossil belt (all thrifted), Ralph Lauren skirt (gift), Ralph Lauren jacket (Poshmark), Mia shoes (retail)
Thoughts: Academichic meets prairie vibes, and I am here for that. I apologize for the folks who hate brown, because this fall has been a slog for you on this blog. Well, actually, #sorrynotsorry. There will be a lot more brown coming up because the love affair (on my part) continues. Side note: I don’t know why this skirt always photographs like it’s different colours, because it’s not. It’s an interesting material, almost like a very very small wale corduroy. You know how I feel about texture contrast; this outfit has it in spades.

Details: Talbots sweater, Josef belt (both thrifted), Banana Republic pants (retail), Ganni collar (gift)
Thoughts: Let’s not pretend this outfit is about anything except that cool (leather!) collar. I mean, right?!? It’s so good. It was a gift from my friend J, who scored it secondhand and thought it would be just my style. And she was right! J lives in Germany and we met years ago through social media, and I like to think of that as a classic modern friendship story. There are plenty of bad things about social media, but its power to connect us (across the world) with like-minded people is undeniable. I like to think that my love of secondhand fashion has rubbed off on my friends, and this was one of those full-circle moments when it came back my way. Thank you, J!!

Details: Mr. Edwards dress, Banana Republic belt, Chie Mihara shoes (all thrifted)
Thoughts: This is a very 80s dress — you should have seen the shoulder pads I took out! — and that’s not something I would normally buy but I was drawn to the print and intrigued by the silhouette. I thought I might be able to make it feel more modern with some clever accessorizing. My go-to belt plus some silver cuffs did a not half-bad job! Think I can do it again? We’ll see …

Details: Reitmans sweater, LAMB coat, Everlane pants (all thrifted), Laredo boots (consignment)
Thoughts: I wore this outfit to the first day of my art market. I wanted a simple outfit so the focus would stay with my art, not my clothes, but I did wear my favourite (statement) sweater. Two reasons. One, it always makes me feel good to wear it, and I needed every bit of moral support I could get that day (even from my clothes). Two, the rose looks a bit like it’s embroidered, which I thought would be a subtle nod to my art work. In fact, a few people asked me if I had made the sweater too. I call that a success!

Details: Ralph Lauren sweater (gift), Pendleton coat (Poshmark), Everlane pants (swap), Laredo boots (consignment)
Thoughts: This coat feels like I’m wearing the most fabulous blanket, literally. I love it, though I do sometimes struggle to figure out outfits for it. I don’t want anything to pull too much attention from it, so a simple outfit is best. I decided to keep the colour palette simple too. The cable knit sweater was a good match; the colour and texture is similar to the piping on the coat. The mauve-ish pants complemented the teals and blues of the coat pretty well, I thought. And, of course, I am wearing my trusty Laredo boots. It’s pretty much the only pair of shoes I wear outside these days. Until the snow comes, anyway.
So cool to hear your voice after so many years of reading!
Thanks! I hope you enjoyed the episode!