Details: Club Monaco sweater, Levi’s jacket, Kate Hewko skirt (all thrifted), Chicwish tulle skirt (Poshmark), MbMJ bag (swap), Laredo boots (consignment)
Thoughts: This outfit is so my jam, I don’t think I need to say more. What I discovered in wearing it is that tulle is a very effective insulator. With winter now arrived in Edmonton, note to self: stay cozy with tulle. You bet I’m assessing my skirt collection to identify other potential layering combinations. In fairness, I am doing that with my entire closet because we have reached that time of year when I will do practically ANYthing to avoid wearing a proper winter jacket (aka some puffer parka thing, which I actually currently don’t own). If you keep piling on enough layers — wool and cotton, thankyouverymuch — eventually you achieve an acceptable degree of climate control; since I avoid the outdoors as much as possible in wintertime (the walk from my front door to the car door is long enough), I can do this before I reach Michelin Man-levels of layering, which is always a bonus.

Details: Ralph Lauren sweater & skirt, Jones & Co jacket, vintage bag (all thrifted)
Thoughts: I found a polka dot skirt! Admittedly, this one isn’t exactly the style I was hoping to get — I wanted a fuller silhouette — but it has the advantage of being silk and silk is a difficult proposition to turn down, ok? I am not wild about the frilly bits, but I have to admit that the overall cut makes the skirt drape quite nicely on the body. As a placeholder (maybe?), I am very happy with it. Also very happy with this outfit. See how lovely this shade of red looks? So good. That’s why I had to thrift this vintage wool blazer, even though I have a bazillion blazers already. Including a red one in a similar shade BUT that one’s a summer weight. Totally acceptable distinction, as far as I’m concerned. And, viz. above, good quality wool blazers are also difficult to resist because they’re a handy “outerwear” option if one subscribes to the All The Layers philosophy of fall dressing.

Details: Ralph Lauren shirt & vest, unbranded cardigan, Cartonnier pants (all thrifted)
Thoughts: Grandpa chic, checking in. I am strangely obsessed with this beige cardigan, which definitely puts me in mind of some chic 1950s grandpa. So I committed to the Beige Grandpa theme with this vintage Ralph Lauren sweater vest, and then spiced things up with some subtle pattern-mixing by adding the striped shirt and striped pants in colours that complement the sweater vest pattern.

Details: Tommy Hilfiger sweater, DKNY jacket, Nicole Miller skirt (all thrifted), J. Crew shoes (retail)
Thoughts: If I were still going to the office regularly, this is what I would wear. I normally avoid black blazers, but the cut of this one is so good, it’s actually fun to wear.

Details: Esprit vest, A&F cardigan, Heritage House skirt (all thrifted)
Thoughts: I really just wanted to wear this vest and skirt combo, but it’s cold now and my husband is the thermostat police so I had to add a cardigan. I remain convinced about the usefulness of a cropped white cardigan, but growing to hate this one more every day. I have become too used to and fond of (vintage) cotton chunky knits, so acrylic stuff like this makes me cross. It’s so heavy and non-breathable, ew.

Details: Supply & Demand tee, Banana Republic turtleneck, Levi’s jacket, Tommy Hilfiger jeans (all thrifted)
Thoughts: Teenage Adina circa 1997 would have been delighted with this outfit, and so was my currently-teenage daughter, so this got a double seal of approval. I’d forgotten about layering turtlenecks under oversized tees, but then happened to thrift these two pieces recently, and it all came back to me. (Cue Celine Dion!) I’ve been on a turtleneck-buying spree lately because they’re a staple of my winter wardrobe, but I previously only had black ones. Now that I am wearing a lot less black than before, I need to expand my base-layer turtleneck collection. This pale blue, vintage Banana Republic one was a solid choice; the colour goes well with brown and denim which represents, like, 60% of my wardrobe at this point.