Doc Martens Mary Janes

Friends, I have a feeling these shoes are about to become my entire personality. You have been warned. You may remember that I was looking for a pair of mary janes shoes for more than a year, and I’m glad that I didn’t find one before I discovered these Docs because They. Are. Perfect. Everyone knows I love a chunky shoe, and the 90s vibes of this style dovetails beautifully with my current aesthetic direction. It’s gonna be a Docs Girl Summer for me … a Docs Girl Spring in the meantime. I’ll even let you in on a little secret: I may or may not have bought a pair of 14-eye lace-up Docs from Poshmark. For extra stomp and 90s goth princess cred 😉

Opaque Tights

I’ve been getting back into mini skirts pretty hard-core lately; which is to say, wearing them regularly for pretty much the first time in my life. Because of the whole long torso/short legs situation, mini skirts are tricky for me, proportions-wise. This issue is compounded by the fact that my legs are Casper the Ghost-levels of pale; exposed to sunlight, they are practically blinding and, as such, too much of a visual distraction.

Enter opaque tights. Having a darker colour on my legs gives something of a lengthening effect, I find, and also an opportunity to play around with the outfit palette. They’re also practical this time of year, which is not an insignificant consideration. I’ve drastically expanded my colour selection in tights, and I am now able to accessorize quite creatively, without always having to resort to black tights. Nothing wrong with those, but sometimes the outfit calls for something else. And I’m pretty sure I’ll have just the thing.

Puffy Heart Necklace

This is a deep cut, but hear me out. In the last little while, this darn thing has become one of my most-worn accessories and I feel that deserves a shoutout. It’s minimalist but a statement at the same time. It takes me back to my teenage years, and we all know how I feel about that. It can do the whimsical thing, and it can do the goth thing. Not bad for a $5 thrift store find.

I should mention that I got a similar heart necklace (on a longer chain) in gold-tone – also from the thrift store – but find myself wearing this one more often. Some of that has to do with the fact that I tend to favour silver over gold (though I wear both regularly), and some has to do with the length of the necklace. I prefer this shorter length and find it more versatile.

Baseball Hats

I’ve never been a huge “hat person” – mostly because I have a huge head that’s difficult to accommodate. And I never wore a baseball hat, specifically, until last year. My husband and kids love them, but it wasn’t until I noticed that I kept mentally “pinning” outfits from IG that featured a Yankees hat that I decided it was time to give them a try. I actually don’t care and know nothing about baseball, the sport. I’ve thrifted several baseball hats recently, chosen purely on aesthetic grounds. I love the “NY” logo the most, but I’m also fond of the “LA” and “SD” ones I have (along with a couple of Ralph Lauren ones, and I don’t think I need to explain why I got those). Don’t ask me what teams those are, because I have no idea; I assume they play out of Los Angeles and San Diego, but if I’m wrong, no need to correct me. No, really! Absolutely no need at all.

[I only know the Yankees because it’s an easy name to remember and it starts with Y, which is part of the logo itself. And half the time, I forget it anyway.]

Anyway, it turns out that baseball hats are relatively easy to fit on a big noggin, and look great with ponytails; this being my go-to hairstyle for ‘low effort’ days and/or ‘need to wash my hair but I’m too lazy’ days, I think you can begin to appreciate why baseball hats are a great accessory for me. Also, they are a nice, subtle way to reinforce the colour palette of an outfit.

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