Hey, look: time for another community trading post. I noticed there hasn’t been as much activity on these posts as in the past (though, to be fair, the blog as a whole is quieter in terms of traffic than before) so I am going to invite your feedback again on whether these should stick around or not. Another alternative, would be to use these as a forum for just random discussion in the comments – with me, or among yourselves. If you have questions, rants, whatever – this could be a chance to unload. Let me know what you think!
For now, a reminder of the disclaimers/ground rules for Community Trading:
One, while I believe in the BCRL community, I do not know each of you personally, so I cannot vouch for any person or item. Please use your best discretion, both when buying and trading. While I think this idea has great potential, its success is premised on trust and the honour system – please be fair and respectful of others. If anyone becomes aware of concerns over another poster/reader’s actions, please let me know. I do not have time to police people, but I also don’t want anyone to be using my site to rip others off, so should something of that nature happen, I will shut down these posts immediately.
Two, I would ask that people at least consider international shipping, provided the other party is willing to assume the costs. I say this as a Canadian who often feels shut out of trading sites where the members are predominantly from the US. Of course, I can’t and wouldn’t force anyone to do something they feel comfortable with, but I know there are BCRL readers all over North America (and the world), and I think it would be nice if everyone had the option to participate.
Three, please feel free to include links to specific items you are selling/seeking as long as they are not affiliate ones.
Four, please be clear about the specifics of what you are looking for and/or are offering, including payment, shipping, etc. Alternately, you can include an email address for inquiries, but please note that this would be visible to the public/anyone visiting the blog.
See you in the comments!