I get real antsy whenever we get more than two days of rain in a row. It doesn’t help that I have apparently forgotten how to dress for cooler weather. Throw a jacket on and … that’s all I got.

For a cheap, rainy day outfit, this looked pretty cute. Minus the bag, everything else came to a whopping $60, give or take a dollar. My fave part? The neon orange accents, of course.

Never really been an orange fan (blame it on being a ginger), but it’s growing on me. My husband approves; the nail polish reminded him of orange creamsicle, his favourite thing ever bar none (save two adorable kids, and a beooootiful wife … I think).

I find rain depressing.
If it lasts more than a day – my “rainy-day” outfit is flannel pajamas and fuzzy slippers and you can bet your beautiful-sun-worshiping-necklace that I ain’t leaving the house until … “I’m walking on sunshine, wooah … and don’t it feel good!!”
I’m with ya!! That’s one of the reasons why, as much as I love Vancouver, I can’t move there.