Equipment Brett shirt; Equipment snake skin print blouse; Equipment windowpane print blouse
Shirt, Equipment; blazer, Talula (via Kijiji); jeans, Rachel Roy; shoes, Zara; bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

I mean, I don’t hate it. A blue-based print is never a bad thing in my books closet. I enjoyed the velvety feel of the silk, but was surprised by how staticky it got over the course of the day. Maybe the winter is to blame; the lack of humidity has been playing havoc with my skin and hair, so it only figures that it would do the same with my clothes. Anyway. The Equipment shirt: ‘s alright. Not as OMGamazing as the blogosphere would have you believe, but worth the $40 I paid.

Let’s talk about something more important: I wore sparkly shoes to work. Check it:

Equipment Brett shirt; Equipment snake skin print blouse; Equipment windowpane print blouse

In my defense, it was a Friday. I feel like I need a defense because I’m not entirely convinced that these are age-appropriate, or career-appropriate. How seriously would you take someone wearing Tinkerbell shoes? #hypotheticalquestion

Back to the Equipment shirt for a second. It does this weird thing in the sleeve/shoulder/armpit area. I’m not sure what the problem is, but me no likey. I’m generally not a fan of things that remind me of how un-toned my arms are these days. Boo.

Equipment Brett shirt; Equipment snake skin print blouse; Equipment windowpane print blouse
contrasting sleeves! with extra weird armpit/sleeve action!

3 Comments on That Equipment Shirt

  1. I think you could alter those sleeves. It appears that the upper arm area is too tight, so when you lift your arm, the sleeves shift up and get stuck (I have big calves, so this happens to me with skinny jeans on my calves). You could have the sleeve seam re-sewn, or I’m sure do it yourself.

    • See, I thought that was the issue too, except that when I have my arms down by my side, there is still this weird wrinkle from my chest/armpit to the upper arm, almost like there is too much fabric. So … Tight and bunchy at the same time 🙁