Currently Wishful Thinking About: Cartier Love Bracelet

I’m turning 35 this summer, which is kind of a milestone (half way to 40, whoo … hoo?), which means … presents! Big presents. Huge. My husband has been warned. (He’s turning 35 two months after me, and is looking into obscure German watch brands.) I reeeeeally want the Love bracelet, because I can see it being one of those pieces I never take off – perfect for commemorating a milestone. A couple of years ago, my husband bought me the Trinity ring, and it is my favourite piece of jewelry bar none except for my wedding rings; I wear it every single day, and I love its classic, understated look. Sadly, there is a big price jump between the ring and the bracelet, and I can’t really justify it. At least not at 35. Maybe 40? 50? I guess getting older has its perks.
Currently Not Loving: My Hair

This is not good, you guys. Bad things happen when I’m bored/dissatisfied with my hair. But here we are, again. My last perm really dried out my hair for some reason, and it’s not looking all that great either. It’s time for something new … I just have no idea what.
Currently Hunting: YSL Besace Bag

Oh, the irony is strong here. I sold this very bag late last year, convinced that I wasn’t getting enough use out of it … nor would be in the future. Cue to this spring, and my realization that its somewhat androgynous, minimalist aesthetic is very much my (current) cup of tea. Buying the Muse II reminded me of how beautiful YSL bags can be – the gorgeous nubuck leather is stunning. Sooo, I am stalking eBay I’m the hopes of being reunited with the Besace.
Let’s not talk about the whole paying-for-a-bag-twice thing. Just … no.
Currently Reading: Italian Days
This May will mark 10 years since my last trip to Italy, and that fact makes me really sad. However, in honour of that milestone, I’m re-reading Barbara Grizzuti Harrison’s fantastic travel memoir, which is still one of the best books about Italy out there. In particular, she has a wonderful ability to evoke the atmosphere of each city. The only downside is that she has an equally evocative way of writing about food (and, as anyone who has ever traveled to Italy knows, there is a lot of food to write about) and it makes me unbearably hungry every time I start reading. The book chronicles her travels in the mid-80s, so it’s not particularly topical, but it captures the mood and character of the places like no other. Definitely worth a read, even though she favours Rome above all other cities (my heart belongs to Toscana, and Florence in particular).
I have also been reading this book, which I don’t recommend because it is terrible for one’s wallet:
Currently Obsessing Over: Where Is Littlefinger Taking Sansa???

Sorry non-GoT watchers, this category will probably bore you for the
next 9 weeks, but I’m being very literal about it. Because, all I want to know is where IS Littlefinger taking Sansa ? I’m not spoilered, so this is just speculation on my part, but don’t read any further if you’d rather wait for the reveal.
This is your last warning.
Smart money is, apparently, on Petyr taking Sansa to Winterfell. When I first read that, I was very surprised. I’m not a huge fan of the Theon/Mance storyline in the books, so its apparent deletion is no loss to me … But, holy hell, what a departure this would be! Martin has just released a new chapter from The Winds of Winter, and in it Sansa is very much still in the Vale. However, the possibilities of what she and Petyr can accomplish together at Winterfell are making me feel very excited. Aside from the age differential, I am being slowly sold on a Sansa-Petyr pairing, at least in the short term. I know, I know. Most people hate Petyr, and are probably revolted by the idea. I don’t care. Until she sticks that knife in his back (trust, it is only a matter of time in the TV series), they make a good duo.
The other interesting thing that happened in last week’s episode is Mance’s death. As I mentioned, that ties in to a re-writing of the Winterfell episode from A Dance with Dragons, which is one thing. But what impact on the storyline will Jon’s role in Mance’s death have? I am the queen of unpopular GoT opinions, because I love Jon (book Jon more than show Jon, to be honest) and his storyline matters the most to me. Melisandre’s interest in his personal business (lady, get in line) may be a good sign of the show sticking with the books, or not. I’m not sure how I feel about the latter possibility. Ok, go ahead – pelt me with rotten cabbages … and then tell me what you think is going to happen.
Ahhhh, I need to read a good summary of the GoT books. I read them (inhaled actually) a few years ago and my memory is patchy about the plots. But I do enjoy Petyr, he’s delightfully shady. Fun fun!
Beauty purse, happy hunting!
Have you tried Wikipedia? Not being facetious at all; I re-read the entries occasionally to refresh my memory about subplots I glossed over in reading the books (like anything involving Victarion, or the Iron Islands generally, sigh). I need fellow GoT lovers to talk to!!
My dad got my mom the love bracelet for her 50th and she never ever takes it off. she also has the trinity ring that I’m reallllllllly hoping will come my way some day đŸ˜‰
Ahhh, that’s so sweet!
And, while I fully support your hopes, if you ever get a chance to actually shop at Cartier, do it! That was, hands down, one of the nicest shopping experiences I have ever had. Their customer service is out of this world – they make Tiffany look like a mall store.
That YSL bag is beautiful!
I’m fully spoiled as to the first four GOT episodes of the season. I couldn’t help but hunt down the leaked episodes. The storyline change for Sansa surprises me a bit.
Now that I’ve had time to think about it, I think I like the Sansa changes. It finally makes her character more interesting (book Sansa is a bit of a snooze for me). I do hope they stick to the Jon and Arya book story arcs, though, because they are my favourites and I’m most invested in those two characters.
With that said, my current guess is that the deal with GRRM is to allow the show to diverge (probably quite a bit) from the story lines leading up to the final chapter, but to ultimately converge on the same ending. That way, people have an incentive to watch the show AND read the books. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
Yes, as you said on your FB post that GoT might be taking some liberties this season, I was also puzzled/intrigued by Petyr and Sansa’s journey. Everything else seemed more or less on track with the books . . . so far. Now you’ve got me wondering if Theon and Mance will be out of the TV show. Theon is not central, but his absence may leave some things unexplained. I can’t wait to see the TV series unfold.
Oh, I think Theon will be around – but someone else will fulfill the role of Mance within the storyline. Looks like that someone might be Petyr/Sansa. Or, judging by Episode 2, maybe even Brienne.
I really love the Love (har) collection. I don’t really wear thick bracelets but I have been lusting after the ring for quite a while.
The Love collection is such a classic. I really like the ring as well. If you’re going to “invest” some dough into jewelry, you can do worse than Cartier, you know?
I have (embarrassingly) bought and sold and rebought multiple bags in my closet. The very idea of having to re-find something I found initially for (almost always) a great deal is exhausting so it has me frozen with reluctance over parting with any of my current barely carried but very loved bags. So I feel you on the YSL. Plus it is GORGEOUS! Wow that color!
I also feel you on turning 35 which I just did earlier this month. When I turned 25, I joked that I was then “round up 30” but joking about being “round up 40” isn’t as much fun for some reason. A classic piece of jewelry would certainly sweeten the deal and I love the Love bracelet. But the price of admission is hefty, as you pointed out.
For what it’s worth, I happen to love your hair!
This is the first time it’s happened to me, and it has definitely made me very gun-shy on selling any more bags. Gah! I’m still kicking myself for it, every time I think about it.
I think I’m OK with turning 35 – except I think it’s having a bit of a subconscious effect that I haven’t entirely come to grips with. Like, working on what I eat, and getting my teeth fixed, and thinking about Botox, type of effect. So maybe, deep down, I’m ok with being 35 … as long as I don’t look it, hah!
I ended up just getting a trim and deep conditioning treatment, which was anticlimactic but should hopefully make my hair look healthier. I vacillate between wanting longer hair and wanting a pixie again. I think it’s safer to stick the course for growing out my hair, in the circumstances. I did toy with the idea of getting an ombre dye job, but I like the no-colour, low maintenance thing I’ve got going on right now. We shall see …
You are SO classic. I’m not a purse hound though … I’m more of the type that wants independent bags or designer stuff. I’m trying to look for a nice YSL or Chloe bag but haven’t found one yet.
That colour is.. wow…!
Purse hound, LOL!