So, yes – we are those lame people who out go for “date nights” in the afternoon, and have dinner at 5. Secret’s out, peeps! I mean, it wasn’t much of a secret, but now you have confirmation. Since we rely on the kindness of our parents when it comes to babysitting (and are lucky enough to enjoy it on the regular), we try to minimize the number of late nights that we spend frolicking around town. And by “frolicking”, I mean grabbing some sushi at our fave joint down the street, and puttering around in my husband’s 1974 Beetle. Have I told you lately about my glamorous life?
Getting dressed up for the mid-afternoon is a dicey proposition, but fortunately, I’ve never had too many qualms about being over-dressed. Throwing a snazzy hat into the mix makes things (like this silk Ted Baker dress) seem more casual and laid back, no?

And speaking of the dress, wasn’t it a great find for $18? I’m loving the black, white, mustard yellow colour palette going on (I must have fall on the brain already), and the vaguely Art Nouveau-ish print is interesting too – and a nice departure from my usual print suspects (stripes, florals, repeat). Pairing it with leopard print flats was kinda bold, but I’m digging the results.

Love this combo! Nothing wrong with getting in a date night/day wherever and whenever you can. 🙂
Totally! I’m not complaining at all 😉
Love the outfit! Mustard yellow is one of my favourite colours and I really like it with darker colours and grey. Date afternoon is fun too!
I’ve never actively disliked mustard yellow or anything (in fact, the opposite), but I’m becoming a little bit obsessed with it this year. And, dare I say it, it’s perfect for fall. Gasp! Yes, I said the F-word 😉
That dress is a major find for $18!
Thanks! I know, right – I’ve been stalking Ted Baker on eBay forEVER, and never found a deal this good. It’s why I love Red Pony so much …
I have had zero luck finding dresses secondhand (which I’m assuming this is). I really like this dress!
It is secondhand 🙂 I’m sorry to hear that – I seem to find a lot of dresses when I’m thrifting or shopping consignment. Maybe it’s just the difference in location?