Burberry trench, yasssss!
Burberry trench, yasssss!

Let’s face it, this is all about that trench. Did I mention how lucky I got, thrifting a good-as-new Burberry trench … in my size, no less. It looks fantastic. Total aside: do any fellow thrifters ever get the impulse to say “I got it at Goodwill” whenever someone compliments you on your outfit — whether they asked for that information or not? I’m not sure why I get that urge, but it’s especially hard to resist when it comes to designer pieces. Maybe it’s because spending a lot of money on clothes is considered frivolous, and I don’t want people to think I’m frivolous. Or, at least, to know that I’m savvy about my frivolousness. Anyone else feel the same? Anyone? Bueller?

Hey, let’s look at some more pics.

feeling pretty fancy
feeling pretty fancy
I bet the neighbour likes my trench too
I bet the neighbour likes my trench too

Naturally, I wore some clothes under my trench too. The cardigan is Theory, via the clearance rack at Winners. The top is a recent thrift find, and another pretty good score — DVF for $4? Yes, please. The outer layer is silk, but the inner lining is bamboo, which is kinda neat; I’ve never seen that on a fabric tag before. It’s incredibly soft and lightweight. The shoes are also thrifted, and they’re leopard-printed calf hair, although that’s hard to see in these pics. Black pants are boring, but sometimes an outfit needs some boring to pull it all together. Last but not least, my croc-printed Mulberry Bayswater; heavy bag, but a classic. I’ve been obsessed with Mulberry lately … you’ll see what I mean soon. To be continued …

cardigan, Theory; top, DvF (thrifted); pants, J. Crew Factory; shoes, J. Crew (thrifted); bag, Mulberry
cardigan, Theory; top, DvF (thrifted); pants, J. Crew Factory; shoes, J. Crew (thrifted); bag, Mulberry

15 Comments on Return of the Beige

    • I’m not sure if I do (it’s more or less my skin tone, hah!) but I love it too much not to wear it regardless. The fit (and the story behind it) are too good to pass up.

  1. For me talking about thrift finds is kinda bragging… Terrible to admit but it’s true. I feel like a skilled hunter for scoring my wedding dress for $9.50.

    • I can see that. I always thought of it as trying to counteract the impression that I might be giving off by frequently wearing new clothes (some recognizably expensive), but it would probably annoy some people. For what it’s worth, I don’t tell people how much I spent on the item, unless they specifically ask for that information.

  2. No, you’re not alone – I LOVE saying that I bought whatever piece of clothing was complimented at a thrift store, for pennies!

    • Haha, glad to hear it. Maybe I just overestimate how interested other people might be in a good thrift find ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Typical exchange after a successful thrifting adventure…

    Friend: Oh, I just LOVE your dress! Where did you find it?!
    Me: Thanks! Goodwill, five bucks!
    Friend: You’re joking.
    Me: No, ma’am. I am not.
    Friend: Seriously? I need to start thrifting.
    Me: Umm…DUH!

    P.S. Congrats on the trench! What a special find!