True story: I hunted this skirt on eBay for MONTHS, never finding it in my size at a price I could live with. More than a year after I gave up on it, I found it — in my size, for $18 — at my local consignment store. It’s a (secondhand) shopping fairy tale! The label had been cut out, but I knew this was THE skirt; it’s a pretty distinctive design, after all. And even though it skews more quirky than my current aesthetic, I had to get it. No regrets, by the way. It’s an awesome skirt, and I love it. Especially those big a** pockets.

The blazer is also new (to me) from the same consignment store. It’s another Anthro brand, naturally. I can’t get enough ruffled blazers apparently. Now, on the surface, they might seem too whimsical for New Adina, but the truth is that they look quite sharp paired with a really minimalist outfit. Not THIS outfit, of course; there’s nothing minimalist going on here. But imagine this with a “column of black” outfit? Hella sharp.
Let’s also pause here and pat me on the back for avoiding black altogether on this occasion. Black is my safety crutch, so it’s always Kind Of A Big Deal when I don’t wear a stitch of it. I managed to pull off a perfectly respectable outfit without it, this time at least, which is encouraging. I’m going to try going 2-for-2 next time I wear this skirt. Wish me luck!

That is an amazing skirt!
Thanks! I’m very happy I stumbled onto it finally 🙂
Ohhhhhh! My very favorite of anything you’ve worn ever. I LOVE this!
Thank you!
Yeah, you definitely had to get the skirt after wanting it for so long. Sometimes after a length of time passes and I’m no longer interested in something (even on sale!) after obsessing for a while, then I’m glad I didn’t buy it after all. But if the opposing rings true, and it goes on sale, score! But how many times has the former happened!!?? Uh, it’s not good and shows how fleeting my tastes can be. Thanks Instagram and blogs….
The “pause” test is a good way to gauge how much you truly want something. Ebay is good for that, for sure – instant gratification is rarer than with regular retail.
I love this! It’s good to step out of your normal comfort zone sometimes. You always look amazing.
Aww, you are too kind. It’s not so much a comfort zone thing as revisiting an old playground, if that makes sense 😉
Adore this look!
love the skirt! 🙂