Summer Office Vibes


Admittedly, a linen schmatta might be a stretch for the office, but (a) it was a Thursday, (b) it was hot as hell, and (c) I put a blazer on it. I feel like “c” is the answer to every “how to I make this appropriate for work” dilemma. All in all, I think it was a respectable showing. I tend to stay away from super bright colours these days, but I do enjoy pulling out all the stops with this poppy red from time to time. I am the kind of person who considers beige a “power colour”, but there is something quite happy and reinvigorating about a good red, don’t you think?

Detail Oriented


This outfit is all about the details – that blazer, in particular. Marc Cain is a European brand that is starting to get more exposure in Edmonton, thanks to a new store in West Edmonton mall, so I am seeing pieces at the thrifts with greater frequency. This blazer is so wonderful, and in like-new condition. The subtle check pattern and lightweight wool material would be lovely on their own, but the smaller details – like the embroidered bees on the breast pocket, the contrast floral lining on the sleeves (and inside pocket), and the fringe hem – are just incredible. Paired with my COS paperbag waist trousers, which have become my go-to pants, it is an instant “favourite outfit” contender. Just look:


Mermaid Inspired


I mean, not literally; but this shade of pale greenish-grey always makes me think of fabled water creatures. I like this sweater a lot, and it works very well with this newly acquired resin link necklace (thanks, eBay). The necklace was listed as “Anthropologie” but I have my doubts. It feels really light and flimsier than other stuff I’ve bought at Anthro; on the other hand, I do like it a lot, it’s comfortable to wear and I didn’t pay too much for it so … eh. Also working well here? This vintage Jones NY skirt. I am not generally fond of the 90s revival, but I have been enjoying revisiting the maxi skirt trend. After more than a decade of pencil skirts, it feels surprisingly fresh.

Volume Squared


Speaking of sack dresses, I hope you have not forgotted this other recent favourite. I haven’t. The weather has been really funky lately – super hot one minute, cold the next, raining at odd times – which has led to a bunch of unlikely summer outfits. This is a case in point. It was overcast with dropping temps on the day that I wore this, and by the time I came home from my errands, the wind had picked up something fierce. In that context, throwing a sweater over this cotton dress made sense. It’s weird that I have to practically give a weather report every time I post an outfit on IG, but that’s the kind of summer we’ve been having here. Anyway, my errand on this particular day? “Adopting” new plant “pets” for our house. We were a plant-free household until recently, but I have decided that needs to change – here’s hoping my brown thumb has gotten greener since the last time I tried to keep a real plant alive. Since furry animals are out (my husband is allergic) and I am not overly fond of fish or reptiles, I though this was a good compromise for the kids. They’ve already named each one of our new pets – this one is Evelyn Poppy-plant:


2 Comments on What I Wore: August 9 – 16, 2018

  1. Love the color of that oversize sweater in the last photo. It’s somewhere between lilac and gray. I have noticed that many of your pieces have colors that are undefinable – not quite color A, not quite color B, but lovely all the same. Is this intentional or accidental? Either way, love it!

    • I definitely love unusual colours, especially muted ones (greyed out). If you look at this sweater closely, the yarn is actually a mix of grey, pink and blue. From a distance it looks mauve/lilac. It’s one of my favourite colours.