It’s been a while since I posted my last embroidery update, but my hands haven’t been completely idle in the meantime. Well, occasionally idle perhaps. Dividing my free time between reading, thrifting, Netflix and embroidery can be a challenging balancing act; sometimes, crafts take a backseat to my other passions. Recently, though, I’ve taken on a new goal. Following a positive experience with the Wardrobe Exchange secondhand clothing sale back in March, I decided to explore the possibility of a crafts market later this year (likely in November, during the pre-Christmas shopping season).

To that end, I need to create some “stock” for myself. I still feel inspired and excited about my female portrait series; some of the previous pieces I have made are good enough for sale, I think, and I plan to add more. I’m also thinking of making a series of smaller hoop pieces, also thematic – perhaps a botanical or entomological series, or perhaps funny/sarcastic mottoes. We shall see. (Got ideas for me? I’d love to hear them – drop me a line in the comments.)

For now, here are a few more pieces from my portrait series. I did not choose historical/real like subjects for these ones; the first two are my own original creations, and the third was inspired by a painting that Jamie Beck posted in her Instagram stories. The last piece was another collab with my artist friend/coworker – it’s Joan of Arc!

12 Comments on I Did A Thing, Vol. 19

  1. Hi Adina, as ever, these are wonderful! I love how they all seem to have a twinkle in their eye – except perhaps for the demure ladies in the third one!

  2. Your work is wonderful. I’m glad to hear that your previous Game of Thrones piece didn’t sway you from this passion of yours.

  3. The eyes look very much like yours – sparkly! Some more ideas for female icons:
    1. Josephine Baker: that hairstyle is unique and there is so much potential for bedazzling with burlesque outfits
    2. Princess Leia
    3. Rosie the Riveter

    • Ooh, Josephine Baker would be amazing! My friend is working on another drawing for a new collab, but I am going to suggest this to her next. Thanks!

  4. Love these! They’re awesome and I bet local buyers will think so, too. Would love to see some embroidered brooches/ pendants/ earrings (as well as beaded—-those you showed recently are gorgeous). Jewelry usually sells well, and may allow you to make more pieces more quickly. Just a thought.

  5. I’ve recently been obsessing over embroidery, as well. Actually, I think it was thanks to post you did on book Hoop Dreams. Just finished one of Harry Potter dragon eggs I adapted from illustrated book. If you did this series as kits on Etsy, I would definitely buy them!