I’m not usually one to complain about how long July is, but that’s because I usually don’t wait until August to take my summer vacation. This year, July felt as long as January … and only marginally more fun. Well, maybe I’m being unfair. Some fun things did happen last month; my son turned 8, my husband and I celebrated our nine-year anniversary, and I did some neat craft projects. I also wore some cool outfits. See:

Looking at this line-up, it strikes me that most of the outfits are super pared down, with the accessories (statement necklace) assuming the focus. Not surprising, given my recent obsession with a certain style of jewelry. I like the simplicity, but I’m not sure if that’s a trend that will continue, or whether I will return to a more maximalist approach in the coming months as the season changes. I am definitely looking forward to getting back into layering.

Thrifting has been quite blah lately – or maybe I am getting even pickier about things – so my focus is on “shopping” my closet and finding new inspiration to work with the clothes I already have. For the first time in a while, I’ve been struggling with that a bit. I find myself stuck in a rut, so to speak, of seeing clothes in a particular way – wear this and this like this – and I need to find a way to shake loose. Looking at runway collections, past and current, has been helpful; looking on Instagram less so, because it’s difficult to discover (new to me) accounts whose aesthetic isn’t just the usual IG influencer look. The funny thing is that I don’t really follow any influencers of that kind, yet that’s all I see on my “Discover” page. I know it’s super cliché to complain about the IG algorithm, but I honestly don’t understand it or the purpose it serves. Bah humbug.

6 Comments on What I Wore: July 2019

  1. I have wardrobe ennui as well. I have been giving myself challenges and that has helped. Like wearing all of a trending color, wearing a seasonal color or starting with the shoes and figuring out outfits so I wear all of them.

    • I really like the idea of wardrobe challenges. I find they help break me out of a rut. Do you come up with the challenges on your own or is there a good blog/source for them? (For example I believe that the corporette blog did a challenge for subscribers.)

      • For trends, I read actual fashion magazines a couple of times a year to see what is trending and make a list of those I can do without buying new things. I use the list to assemble outfits. When nothing on trend appeals I do something seasonal, like wearing the pastels in April, instead of forgetting to wear them.i

  2. I love ideas for shopping my own closet because I don’t always want to buy new stuff. Would love to see posts on that idea plus suggestions for challenges/ best ways to find inspiration. Once I had my daughter remix my closet and came up with some cool ideas. I should try that again…