In Neutral

Alternate title: bowl of oatmeal, but make it fashion. My BFF hates beige/oatmeal colours, and I wore this one day that we were hanging out. I did it half on purpose (because I’m that kind of friend), and half because I really love a monochromatic outfit, oatmeal or otherwise. Anyway, that title was her suggestions, but I am appropriating it without shame. I love everything about this outfit, from the proportions to the “polished” slouchiness.

Notes: Oak & Fort sweater (thrifted but gifted); Oak & Fort scarf (thrifted, don’t remember $); Jessica skirt (thrifted, $8); Stuart Weitzman boots (thrifted, $25); MaxMara coat (retail, $450).

The Great Skirt Hunt

I’m exaggerating a little bit. It wasn’t that big of a deal, but I did low key hunt this skirt on eBay for a long time. Eventually found it at my local consignment store, which happens often enough that I have to start wondering why I even bother with online shopping. Anyway, it’s a lovely skirt from Anthro’s heydays. I love the felted wool texture of the floral pattern – a cool little detail. I kept things casual with a coordinated sweater. Because of its volume (it’s an XL, but thrifters can’t be choosers), I did a little side twist ‘n tuck. My secret? Tucking into my tights. The only time I had to adjust was after a trip to the ladies’ room. I feel like I’m now veering into TMI territory, so I will end this now.

Notes: Moth sweater (thrifted, $7); Troubadour skirt (consignment, $42); J. Crew shoes (retail, $80).

Purple Mood

It’s been a while since I last wore these Club Monaco culottes, and to be honest I’m not sure if they still fit as well as they used, but this is a reminder (to self and the general universe) that they’re pretty cool. I have tended to pair them with safe colours, like purple, black, white, cream, grey, etc., but I went outside the box for this outfit. This cropped sweater also doesn’t get nearly the amount of love it deserves. Shine, neglected clothes, shine!

Notes: Monogram sweater (thrifted, $7); Club Monaco pants (retail, $102); Manolo Blahnik shoes (eBay, $128).

1 Comment on What I Wore: November 19-24, 2019

  1. Really loved that first outfit with all the neutrals! And the Monogram sweater from the third outfit is pretty cool too.