It’s spring! Well, perhaps not technically … and perhaps not meteorologically either … yet … but spring is a state of mind, after all. And in my mind, what comes after February is SPRING. Which means that I am happier than I have been since, oh, the end of August. Things are looking brighter again, and I can look back on the past month with a measure of indulgence – not that I have a lot to hold against it. February was ok. Nothing too exciting happened, but neither did anything too terrible. The new year is already 2 months old, which is a bit of a mind f*ck because, seriously, where is all the time going and why is it going so fast? Yes, we are talking about winter, which is the least fun kind of time to be had, but still. At this stage of my life, I am loathe to squander any time, even the most “blah” kind. Not to get too graphic with you, but if life were a bone, I’d be the person trying to crunch down to the marrow.

Oh: in case you were wondering, I am still having a mid-life crisis. It feels less critical, but it’s still simmering. Will this be the spring of my discontent? I hope not. Because as the above suggests, all I want to do is enjoy my life to the fullest; and part of that means getting over the fear that it’s all slipping away from me while I’m trying to figure out what it’s all about.

Anywaaaaaay. Clothes:

Not a particularly vibrant month but some colour did manage to sneak in. Lots of good silhouettes happening. I do feel like I’ll be in the mood for something more, umm, exuberant next month. Maybe not florals, but something equally (non) groundbreaking for spring. As I alluded to in a recent post, I’ve been thrifting up a storm; consequently, I have been editing my wardrobe like mad because, unlike the universe, closet space does not expand. [Don’t @ me, physicists. I’m trying to make a funny.] I have lots of new-to-me pieces to experiment with, which is fun and exciting, but I am having some trouble figuring out what needs to go, which is less fun. I always feel better when I know that my old favourites are going to good new homes (I know it’s silly to get emotionally attached to clothes, but nobody’s perfect, yeah?), so it may be time to look into another clothing sale event. This would loosely tie into some long-term plans that I’ve been mulling over lately, so it will be near the top of my agenda in March.

Hope your spring is off to a great start!

2 Comments on What I Wore: February 2020

  1. My favorite is the belted sleeveless trench dress! Hope it’s a great spring and season for you! And that you get to enjoy it as you figure things out.