I have been having trouble sleeping lately, a side-effect of this strange quarantine life. My usual strategies haven’t had much success in ameliorating the problem, but my failure has had one benefit: more time to craft. At night, long after the kids are in bed, my husband, who is also having trouble sleeping, works on his car project; I work on my embroidery projects. In some ways, those dark, quiet hours are quite lovely – a nice way to self-care, per millennial parlance. But, of course, I can feel my sleep deficit growing by the day. Ah well, we take the good with the bad.

What have I been making? A little bit of everything.

I’ve been trying a few different motifs for embroidery hoops.


Symbols of protection:

I have also gone back to making jewelry, using embroidery, beading, and upcycled bits of old costume jewelry. I started with a bit of a rainbow theme (one of my favourite things):

Then branched out into some other designs:

I have also started to sell some of my pieces on Instagram, which has been both gratifying and nerve-wracking. I always worry about whether my pieces will live up to expectations, but on the other hand, there is nothing cooler than knowing someone else is wearing or looking at something I made. I’ve had some requests on IG to write about how I make some of my jewelry pieces, so I’ll be working on a post for next week.

6 Comments on I Did A Thing, vol. 33

  1. Have you watched the show A Stitch in Time? I saw it on amazon prime, but youtube also hosts it. It is a documentary series that looks at history through fashion.https://youtu.be/-u2RM1odsf4

    The fashion historian host, Amber Buchart, looks remarkably like you and I think you’ll appreciate her sense of style which is second hand and very pattern heavy.