Have I lost track of time? Maybe.

Sporty Spice

I have been on the fence about this skirt before because it skews sportier than my usual style. Let’s face it, I am not sporty in the least. However, things have changed. No, I am still not sporty. But I have a new appreciation for bright colours and funky details, and this skirt checks those boxes. It’s also stretchy and comfortable, which is the most important box of all. So, it stays. Plus, it works really well with this stretchy sneaker-type pair of shoes which is also a bit of an “odd duck” in my closet. Win win. Is this outfit “too much” for a neighbourhood walk? In these strange times, does it even matter?

Sweatshirt On Repeat

Errrm, what the title says. I have been wearing this sweatshirt a LOT, and I am not mad about it. It goes with pretty much everything, it’s a perfect weight for spring, and it hits that sweet nostalgia spot. Speaking of nostalgia, long term readers will recognize the pants. Grandma’s couch rides again! These pants are still so good. And fun. I’ve pretty much given up on pants that aren’t leggings, but I will always make an exception for these. Also, hello? Another pair of sneaker-adjacent shoes? Who am I even? Rhetorical questions aside, these Ash wedge sneakers are really excellent – nice soft leather, cute detailing, and comfortable. Plus, I can sneak an extra inch or two of height without having to deal with real heels.

Nostalgia, Part 2

Here’s another super old piece that some of you will remember well. I used to be the “face”, so to speak, for this J. Crew “Dutch floral” sweatshirt – my blog images always showed up in search results for it. So you could say that we have a history. I think it goes back to 2013 or thereabouts; I think I bought it shortly after my daughter was born. Time is a meaningless concept at this point, but I think that makes it 7 years old. My baby will be going into Grade 2 this fall. None of it computes! Anyway, on the other side of the spectrum, the necklace is brand new … I made it. Working on a new idea for upcycled/handmade jewelry, and this was a prototype of sorts. I am quite pleased with how it came out, although I have some ideas for improvement. Gotta stay busy!

1 Comment on What I Wore: April Something Something, 2020

  1. Cool outfits! They’re all so diverse & colorful. I’m happy there are people who do their own fashion style.