The Other Favourite

This outfit *just* missed the cut-off to make it into my year-end favourites list, and I’m kinda mad about it … even though the cut-off was self-imposed and arbitrary and hence, entirely my fault. But here it is, lost but not forgotten. I love this outfit so, so much. It’s peak Adina 2020 style. Come to think of it, this probably isn’t the year to immortalize, so if this style groove is here to stay for a bit, I will HAVE to come up with a different name for it. Anyway, it’s long and lean, and drapey, and all the muted colours … it’s the Artist in her new incarnation.

The Short of It

The previous outfit was the Long Carven (skirt), this is the Short Carven (skirt). Am I a bit obsessed with Carven at the moment? Maybe. Can you blame me? Surely not. I am also obsessed with aqua. Some might call it teal, but that word evokes a strong negative reaction in me; I associate it with that dark peacock blue/green that was popular at the mall a few years ago, and I Don’t Like That Colour! I don’t know why. It’s adjacent to colours I adore, like dark forest green, and aqua blue. Also, to be clear, “aqua” is also not turquoise. Or maybe it is, scientifically. But to me turquoise has less green in it, and is more saturated. Aqua is kinda like … if turquoise and mint had a baby? Or something. Anywaaaay. This skirt? Is a kind of blackened aqua. Look, there is a reason I am not a colour theorist. Well, two. One, I’m not sure that’s a real job. And two, I suck at describing colours.

But this is definitely NOT TEAL.

Pandering to the Masses?

I kiiiid, I kid. But this outfit *was* strangely popular on IG, which I did NOT predict. Listen, it’s a fine outfit. It’s cute and fun. I wouldn’t have chosen to wear if it hadn’t been. But it’s not my favourite in the same way as, say, the first outfit above. Its social media popularity is 100% IG f*ckery (long story short, IG just showed this outfit to more of my followers for “reasons”) but stuff like that used to have me questioning myself so much before. I almost didn’t include this outfit here out of spite, but that’s silly. So here it is. It’s cute and fun.

Christmas Eve-ing

Obviously, Christmas Eve this year looked very different from our usual. We did not get together with extended family. We did not get together with anyone. We stayed home, enjoyed some delicious Chinese takeout, and watched Home Alone 2. But I did dress up a little, anyway. It’s in my DNA, just as being forgotten by his family and fighting off burglars is in Kevin’s. We cannot help it.

2 Comments on What I Wore: mid December 2020

  1. So the Home Alone marathon was amended to just Home Alone 2. Good call. Hopefully the Poshmark damage was minimal 🙂