One. Mosaics

I really, really, reeeelly don’t need another hobby. But, if I were to pick up a new one, it would be mosaic making. It fits right in with my other ones, like beading and embroidery. I would love to have a large mosaic piece in my backyard, but I don’t really have the budget to commission one nor the time or materials to make my own. But it’s a project I can dream about as I move closer to retirement.

Two. White-crested tit warbler

I have found my bird twin. Fluffy and unicorn-coloured. The white-crested tit warbler, c’est moi.

Three. Caliban & the Witch

I have been dipping into Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation by Silvia Federici a chapter at a time, and it’s simply fascinating and so thought-provoking. It looks at the patriarchal underpinnings of capitalism, and how the exploitation and oppression of women paved the way for what she calls the patriarchy of the wage. It is not a light read, but it’s interesting commentary in our late-stage capitalism milieu.

Four. Abstract embroidery portrait

Inspired by a post I saw on the Embroidery sub-Reddit, I’ve been working on a Picasso-inspired abstract portrait hoop design. What drew me to it was the use of colour (naturally) and texture — I am using French knots to create a texture similar to rug-hooking. It’s soooo time-consuming, and a bit of a gamble (I haven’t done anything similar before so I’m not sure how it will turn out), but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end.

Five. Concrete art

My friend, Anna, makes fabulous everyday objects from concrete and I love the juxtaposition of the hard, industrial medium and the soft, dreamy colours. I have a few of her pieces, including this lidded jar which is the newest addition to my collection.

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