I don’t know about you guys but 2022 was a mixed bag of a year, and I am being fairly generous in that description. I’m feeling generous because, style-wise at least, it was pretty darn good. This year, I felt good in my clothes; able to express myself — the me of now — in a way that felt authentic and eloquent. Towards the end of the year (the last few months), I began to feel a little more disoriented, shall we say, but that is not unusual as my mental health tends to dip in the winter months and this deeply affects all my creative pursuits. There have been other things contributing to a not-so-great mood heading into the holiday season and that always seems to end up reflecting in how I dress. There were still some stellar outfits recently, but I’ve been feeling less sure of myself and my aesthetic “vision” as I did earlier. However, I think I’ll be able to steer the ship right again as we head into a new year. New year, new me. Same as the old me, but better (one hopes).

Here’s a look back at some of my favourite outfits of 2022.

It’s easy to spot some trends here, isn’t it? I played with a few themes this year: the summer Prairie Bohemian, the spring/fall Historian, plus the perennial favourite All Things Colourful. I brought back mini skirts and kick flare jeans, bought some trendy shoes and a million belts, and did my best to make Papa Ralph proud (kidding not kidding). It will be more of the same next year, but also maybe a few new things. I’ve been super into graphic black and white patterns lately, and I would like to continue to play around with that. I’ve also been seeing some new intriguing trends coming out with that 90s nostalgia influence that I love, so I will be keeping my eye on those. I would love to hear what you’re excited for in 2023 too — fashion, travel, or anything else. Let’s get hyped together!

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!

9 Comments on 2022 Year in Review: Favourite Outfits

  1. Very enjoyable seeing your favorites all lined up this way! I can see the trends but also it’s neat to see the variations within the patterns.

    Fashion-wise I’m looking forward to adding vests to some of my outfits – I really like how you’ve deployed them in several of these photos. And recently the color combo that kingfishers often sport (kind of teal blue and rusty brown) has been very appealing to me – so I’m going to see what I can work out in that direction. (I mean the color combo as inspiration, not literally dressing like a kingfisher 🙂

  2. Ah- so many inspiring outfits here! Coming to your site motivates me to use clothing as a means of creative self expression. I noticed that lately (and maybe in correlation with that mental health dip that I also experience this time of year) I’ve just been throwing on whatever clothing is easiest to wear. I think as a strategy for feeling my best this time of year I may try dressing in clothes which inspire and empower me- that feels exciting and very doable! 🙂 thank you for reminding me of the potential a fabulous outfit can bring.

    I’m looking forward to putting together a reading list for 2023, including some books I got from friends and family for the holidays.

    Happy New Year, and thank you for your fantastic content!

  3. Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2023!

    I finally was able to properly reorganize my closet over the holiday break. Because of that I can now see my closet and what I have. Hopefully I can dress a little more intentionally going forward – trying some new stuff and venturing out of my comfort zone a bit.

    I also hope to reorganize my study/office in 2023 – in particular the bookshelves – and continue with a new sort of project/goal – getting books about all the Queens/Queen consorts of England. (nerd!)

  4. Thank you for the review. I really enjoy seeing your outfits and reading about your thought process. Your creativity and fearlessness is inspiring.

    I’m hoping for a better year in 2023 and looking forward to wearing full length slouchy pants and lots of long skirts. Maybe a maxi coat or two.

    Happy new year!