Dress, Vanessa Virginia (thrifted); shoes, Jeffrey Campbell (thrifted); necklace, no name (via consignment); hat. AritziaCan you believe I almost didn’t buy this dress last year? It’s so cute; I’m glad I came to my senses. And it’s the embodiment of summer in dress form, dontcha think? This is far preppier a look than my usual weekend style, but I enjoy the relative simplicity of it. I say “relative” because there is an awful lot going on here, visually. Practically speaking, though, it’s the easiest of outfits. Put dress on, you’re done. It doesn’t really need any accessories — what with the print and the embroidery and all — but I added the necklace because I had just bought it and was excited to wear it. It adds a touch of boho-ness, which I like.
hey summer, I see you one hand in my pocketThe hat was also technically new, although you’ve seen it plenty of times before. My beloved Panana took a beating on our trip to Mexico earlier this year, so it was time to get a replacement. Luckily, Aritzia stocks these hats every year, and thankfully, the price is still a reasonable $28 (plus tax). I love this hat, and wear it constantly in the summer; I would highly recommend it if you’re in the market for some sun coverage. Between this and my trusty Biore sunscreen, I am well covered for my (admittedly, rare) outings into the “wild”.
Speaking of Aritzia, I used the hat-buying trip as an opportunity have a bit of a browse around. Once again, I was unable to find my favourite style of T. Babaton trousers, and I am starting to think that they’ve been discontinued. The Cohen style looks like the closest thing, but it’s not the same. Bummer. That disappointment aside, I was pretty shocked at the prices I saw. I know a lot of younger women favour the brand and I couldn’t help asking myself: how can they afford it? I would struggle to justify paying the full retail prices, and even the stuff on sale didn’t strike me as inexpensive — and I’m a 30-something with a good chunk of disposable income. It reminded me very much of Anthropologie, a brand I only started buying once I was able to get it secondhand. From what I can tell (judging from the pieces I have thrifted), the quality does not line up with the prices Aritzia is asking (nor is there a ethical fashion aspect as far as I am aware), but their retail strategy must be working nonetheless. Is there something about Aritzia that I’m missing?
My last “talking myself out of buying retail” post was so successful — seeing as how I didn’t buy any of the things featured in it — that I decided to make it a regular thing. Temptation has struck again, and here we are.
Club Monaco jumpsuit
I know this doesn’t really look like much in the stock photo, but it looks so lovely in person. I really should never visit a Club Monaco store because nothing good ever comes of it, at least as far as my wallet is concerned. I really, really covet this jumpsuit, but it’s not very practical and it’s over $300 dollars. I will say this for Club Monaco: they really stick to their guns, pricing wise. Stuff takes ages to go on sale, there are rarely “extra % off” sales, and prices never seem to hit rock bottom. If I had to guess, this jumpsuit will probably not hit the $100 mark for at least 3 months, if ever. Which means that I shall covet in vain. Sigh.
Speaking of coveting in vain, there is also this:
Club Monaco dress
Again, this is so much lovelier in person … and also highly impractical. And much, much too expensive. You’re killing me, Club Monaco.
Along the similar lines:
BCBG dress
I made the mistake of trying this one on. I shouldn’t have. It’s completely impractical, but, boy oh boy, those tulle ruffles. This is a like a very naughty version of a 50s debutante dress. As someone on Instagram said, it would probably be perfect for a (21st century) prom. Sadly, I’m 20 years too late to that party. The dress is $200, down from $700, during the last stages of BCBG’s closeout sale, for anyone who would like to be enabled.
Left: BCBG; right: Celine
I have been lusting after this Celine bag ever since it came out, and I am as close now as I’ll ever be to owning it … which is to say that I’m staring at it on my computer screen wistfully. Anyway, I spotted what looked like a pretty good lookalike at BCBG, and very seriously considered buying it. On sale, it’s less than 10% of the price of the Celine, and it is real leather. I like the minimalist aesthetic a lot, but the more I looked at it side by side with the original, the more I liked … the original.
BCBG tote
I was more tempted by the tote version in camel. It has a zipper, which is shockingly rare in totes for some reason. I was disappointed to realize that the front flap is actually purely decorative (there is no pocket underneath), but I might still have bought if not for two things: no long strap, and no outside pocket.
almost perfect
This, on the other hand, is absolutely flawless:
Alexis Bittar
I think it’s safe to say that I am obsessed with Alexis Bittar jewelry, and this bracelet is haunting me. Last I checked, it was about $150CDN on Last Call. Now, on one hand, I don’t think that’s a bad price, for the quality you get from Bittar pieces. I have a couple, and they are fantastic — elegant with an edge, always the subject to compliments. On the other hand, it has been an expensive month for me on non-sartorial fronts, and this is an indulgence I simply cannot justify at this time. Ugh, being responsible really sucks sometimes.
OK, this is it, you guys: the last of my “best of” posts for the year. Whew! This series was starting to drag on much like the year did. Today, let’s look at my 16 favourite accessories purchased in 2016. Now, I know what you’re thinking and, yes, that is a long list. I wasn’t sure I could come up with 16 things I absolutely adore and can’t live without … and then I did. I even had to make a couple of tough calls, can you believe it? Erm, you probably can. Let’s have a look, shall we?
In no particular order …
Clockwise from top left: Stella & Dot necklace (thrifted); MaxMara necklace; Alexandra Leigh ring; Winners ring
MaxMara necklace
I don’t keep track of how often I wear my jewelry, so I can’t give you those deets, but I do know that this necklace has elicited compliments every time I’ve worn it. Even my husband, who called it a “third grader’s failed art project” when he first saw it, has come around to admitting that it is, in fact, awesome.
I’ve spied other MaxMara costume jewelry at Holt’s this year, and really dig the Iris Apfel-esque vibe of many of their pieces, but the prices put them outside the ‘casual acquisition” realm for me. (My necklace was something like $160, and I bought it with a gift card.) Some pieces do pop up on eBay though, and I plan to keep an eye out for them there.
Stella & Dot necklace
There isn’t anything crazy special about this necklace; in fact, it’s wonderful in its simplicity. It goes with practically everything, especially given that the pendant is reversible (mint green on one side, brown on the other). I thrifted it for $6, and I like the quality at that price point. Finding it inspired me to start having a closer look at the non-showcase jewelry displays at my local thrift stores, which has been paying off like whoa.
Blue labradorite ring
I used to love the jewelry showcase at Winners (aka Canadian TJ Maxx), only to fall out of the habit of checking it out regularly a few years ago. Luckily, this year, I remembered what a treasure trove of unique finds it can be. There is usually a plethora of sterling silver pieces at reasonable prices, although the quality can be hit and miss in my experience. (Some seem more prone to tarnish than others, and the workmanship can vary.) I suggested to my husband that he should buy me this ring ($40) as a “just because” gift … and he did because he’s awesome like that. It’s definitely a winner, both in terms of quality and style. The blue flash of this labradorite stone might just be my favourite shade of blue.
Alexandra Leigh ring
This was a vacation splurge at the Nordstrom store in Vancouver (~$150). I love it, though – I’m a sucker for blue-tinged moonstone as well.
This is one of my favourite brooches, and one of my fave thrift store finds this year ($3). You guys know I have a terrible weakness for vintage brooches, and “brooch bouquets”. I love mixing two or more brooches together, and as much as my magpie eyes are always seduced by big, brash rhinestone statement pieces, a smaller brooch like this is the key to a successful “bouquet” – it complements and/or ties together bigger pieces.
Vintage bird brooch
I bought this little guy at Swish boutique (~$40) because I loved the jelly bean-like cabochon and the colours. Much like the bee brooch, this one is great for mixing.
Vintage bow brooch
OK, so the truth is that I’ve found a ton of amazing brooches this year, and it’s basically impossible to pick favourites at this point. This bow brooch ($6) edges slightly ahead of the others because it so easily accessorizes with my big, floral rhinestone numbers.
Alexis Bittar earrings
I love the simple elegance of these earrings, and the fact that they are an interesting and somewhat unusual take on traditional hoops. I can wear them to work, as well as to any number of dressier work and social functions – they’re sparkly without being too sparkly.
They were a splurge (~$100 on sale), bought with a gift card – which is how I usually justify my splurges. Although I will always love inexpensive, bold costume jewelry, as I get older, I’ve started to be more comfortable with spending a bit more money on pieces that are more timeless. I have a good feeling about these earrings.
Rebecca Minkoff earrings
On the other end of the spectrum, we have these Rebecca Minkoff studs that cost a whopping $10 (on sale). They’re simple and deceptively boring; the truth is, they go with everything, and are a cool alternative to plain, white CZ studs. Not my most exciting jewelry, but a piece that gets worn at least once a week.
Clockwise from top left: Ferragamo pumps (thrifted); Clarks booties; Sam Edelman pumps (thrifted); Kelsi Dagger loafers (thrifted)
Clarks ankle boots
These are not my most exciting pair of shoes, either, but they were a weekend closet staple during the fall (worn 15 times) and will be again come spring. I bought them for $60 at Winners, and have been very impressed with both the quality and the comfort level.
Ferragamo pumps
How’s that for a 180? These are a statement if there ever was one, and I love them. And so does everybody else, I might add. I found them at Goodwill in near-pristine condition for $30 (3 wears and counting), and I’m still amazed that no one else scooped them before me.
Kelsi Dagger loafers
This was such an unlikely love affair, you guys. I’m not even sure why I bought these loafers ($17/24 wears) because I wasn’t super into their “look” … and then, somehow, they became my go-to casual shoe over the summer. The taupe grey colour is super versatile with my weekend wardrobe, and the style works great with all my skinny jeans and pants – and even some skirts.
Sam Edelman Opal pumps
I know Sam Edelman is old news to some of you, but it’s a recent revelation to me. I thrifted a pair of Opal d’orsay pumps ($8/6 wears) at the beginning of December, and have been super impressed with the comfort level. I do wish mine weren’t suede (the black seems to attract dust/dirt like nobody’s business), but I have my eye out for a pair (or two) in sturdier leather on eBay. I can see these becoming my go-to pair of black shoes for the office.
Top row: Skagen watches; Bottom row: 14Th & Union scarf (thrifted); Chanel bag (via Swish)
14th & Union scarf
I wear scarves a fair bit, usually by necessity, but I wouldn’t consider myself a “scarf person”. Is there such a creature? I digress. I am, however, totally crazy about this scarf ($5) – it’s my favourite shade of blue again. I love pairing it with black, grey, and khahi, which are basically my weekend uniform all year round.
Skagen Anita watch(es)
OK, so this is a bit of a cheat, because I bought three – yes, 3! – of these watches in the past year. The first one was a fluke (I just fell in love with the face and rose gold mesh band, and bought it on impulse), and then I purposely went and bought the others because I loved the style that much. I went from never wearing watches to wearing one every day.
The Anitas are sleek and elegant, look more expensive than they are (I paid between $120-$140 for each of mine), and are super lightweight. The last part is key for me, because I hate the feeling of heavy bands (watches, bracelets, etc.) on my wrist. I used to lust over the Cartier Ballon Bleu watch (and, truthfully, I still do), and having the Anita watches has reconciled me to the reality that my dream of owning one won’t become a reality any time soon. In fact, when I recently had the occasion to see the BB watch in real life, I found myself thinking that I might prefer it to have a mesh strap. Shhh, don’t tell Cartier I said that!
Vintage Chanel Jumbo Maxi bag
I’ve bought some great bags this year, but none of them quite measures up to this one. It’s the perfect size, and I prefer the single flap over the classic double flap of my old Chanel bag. The colour is also quite versatile, and the longer chain strap is a bonus. I do worry about the soft lambskin leather, which is more prone to scratches than other types of leather; although that is a common issue for all vintage Chanel bags, I worry that wear will be more obvious on this lighter colour than the black. I’m not typically great at babying my bags, but I may have to make an exception in this case. She’s worth it.