Hey, look at me being all punny and stuff. I don’t wear a lot of green normally, and it’s not because I’m trying to avoid looking like the Hulk. (Mark Ruffalo is fine. I’m a Winter Soldier fangirl, but I also have eyes. No shame in embracing the Hulk is what I’m saying.) Strangely, it’s because finding a green I like is a challenge. As I get older, I find that I am increasingly sensitive to nuances in colour; a green that is too bright, or too blue, or too yellow can set my teeth on edge.
That reaction is not limited to green, by the way. I have the same visceral response to all the “wrong” colours. Sometimes, the thing that makes a colour “wrong” is so subtle, I actually start to wonder if it’s all in my head … rather than my eyes, ahem.
Finding the “right” kind of green is tough. I think that my fave shades are actually fairly popular these days, but they haven’t yet reached thrift stores, at least not in large quantities. Give it another year or so. For now, I treasure my little growing hoard, including this sweater and top. Why not wear them together, I asked myself one day and proceeded to do just that. Mark would approve.
Now, your turn. Tell me this: what colour would be your superhero costume?