October started with a dump of snow, and ended with a very Vancouver-esque atmosphere (think mist, fine rain, and lots of soggy leaves on the ground), and I feel like there’s perhaps a metaphor in there somewhere. All last month I’ve been feeling like I was falling behind on, well, life and I’m still nowhere close to catching up. So many projects, so little time. One of my first priorities this month will be to catch up on editing A Temporary Engagement, because the weekly publishing schedule is getting ahead of me at this point. But with 10 chapters already published, we’re half way there. Anyone reading along still? What do you guys think?
OK, on to the outfits now.
I think it was a pretty good collection of outfits, some stronger than others (or more ‘on point’, I should say) but that`s par for the course. I’ve had good luck thrifting and eBaying this month, and at the same time, I’ve done a lot of work in terms of refining my style and narrowing in on the things I enjoy to wear (and not simply enjoy looking at). The next step is to do another (overdue) closet purge. I’m not looking forward to it; whenever I’m down with a case of SAD (which usually happens this time of year), I feel extra emotional about parting with old things, clothes included. I don’t think KonMari-ing will help this time, so if you guys have suggestions for how to say good-bye to things painlessly, let me know.