… that’s how long my husband has survived matrimony with yours truly (and, coincidentally, how long this blog has been around). And this is the outfit I wore for a quick date night to celebrate said anniversary. (Love ya, babe!) It’s one of my favourite dresses, updated with a brand new pair of fancy schmancy shoes. Oh, and a return to lipgloss, because I turn into a 13-year old in the make-up aisle at Superstore, apparently.

The shoes are surprisingly comfortable for such strappy, highs-heeled contraptions — which is to say that I could walk in them for about an hour before they started to hurt. That’s … pretty good, all things considered. I was honestly surprised. Why would I buy shoes which I expected would hurt my feet? Good question, but see exhibit A: they are yellow; and Exhibit B: they are cute. I feel like I can rest my case now, yes?
As a bonus, here are a few of the other times I wore this dress.