My bestie hates this cardigan with an inexplicable (to me) fiery passion. Me? I love it. And it goes very well with this Anthro dress I also love. Last time, I wore it with a black cardigan, but I enjoyed this iteration a great deal as well. There is something soothing to me about this greyed-out teal colour. Or something. I don’t know. Maybe we’ve got an Emperor’s New Clothes situation here? At least one person thinks so …
Can we talk about these shoes for a minute? The metallic finish is unusual yet surprisingly versatile, so I actually wear these pumps far more often than you might think considering we are talking about GOLD shoes. But, holy hell, that heel! My “happy place” when it comes to heel heights is 3.5 inches, and these are definitely higher, but the lack of platform and any sort of cushioning doesn’t help either. I wore this outfit to a function, and after an hour, I regretted it soundly … even though I got complimented on my fancy footwear. No real moral to this story, except to say that you probably need some gold shoes in your life, but they should probably have a sensible heel.
Grechen recently posted her answers to five style-related questions, and a few others bloggers (including the lovely Nicole) followed suit, and since I found their posts very interesting, I decided to do the same. Bandwagon jumping at its finest, you might say. Feel free to play along at home.
Q1: What if you had to choose ONE brand (money no object) to buy clothes from, what would it be?
This question is very difficult for me because my style is not fully encapsulated by any one single brand’s aesthetic. For example, if my closet was 100% Anthropologie, it would probably not fully reflect my workwear needs. On the other hand, more office-wear oriented brands — from J. Crew on up through the designer stratosphere — would not necessarily reflect my more whimsical side. Last time I was at Holt’s, I fell in love with quite a few of the pieces from the Boss collection, but I still wouldn’t commit to (happily) only wearing that brand forever and ever, amen.
If we change the question slightly, I can answer more readily. If money was no object, I would happily SHOP at Nordstrom exclusively. All day, every day. They carry such a wide selection of brands, plus their customer service is fantastic. Since money IS a relevant consideration in my life, if I had to pick one store at which to shop (exclusively) for the rest of my life, it would probably be my local Goodwill. What can I say, the thrift habit is hard to break.
Q2: What’s one thing you’ve purged from your wardrobe you wish you had now?
This one is super easy: my purple YSL Besace messenger bag. If the eBay gods smile on me, it will be mine again at some point.
Q3: What’s something you’re hanging on to, but sort of wish you had the courage to let go of?
Oof. There are quite a few things in this category. A lot of them are things that are too big for me at my current size, but which I am reluctant to purge either because (a) they are dressy clothes which I did not get to wear a lot beforehand, or (b) they are office staples which I might need to re-buy if I gain weight in the future (think pants and blazers). In the first case, the stumbling block is guilt. I’m having a hard time letting go of that, for sure. In the second case, I’m trying to be practical. I figure that if my weight doesn’t change for another year or two, then I might safely let those things go. Until then, they’re just insurance.
Q4: If you had to choose 5-10 things from your wardrobe (including bags and shoes) to keep and you had to get rid of everything else, what would you keep?
If this question is intended to get me to commit to a wardobe of 15 pieces max, my answer is: hahahahaha! I’m not even going to attempt to answer that. Honestly, given my lifestyle (and geographical location), 15 pieces is simply not reasonable, especially if shoes and bags (and coats!) were included.
However, if the question is “what 15 pieces of your current wardrobe would you keep if you were forced to start over” (i.e. you could buy new clothes to supplement), that I can answer. I would pick the things that I adore AND that I would have a hard time replacing for the same price I paid originally. So:
Clothes (9): MaxMara camel coat; Burberry trench; Phillip Lim navy dress; Moschino floral print dress; J. Crew Factory tweed blazer (only one has ever fit me so well, and I don’t fancy taking my chance with eBay on finding it again); Anthropologie/Moulinette Soeurs poppy print skirt; Ferragamo red Flavia pumps; Manolo Blahnik white pumps.
Picking which bags to keep was hard, you guys. I love all my bags, and they tend to be the items on which I spend the most money, so this was a question of which ones (a) I would absolutely want to replace and (b) would be the most expensive to replace. (I probably would not replace my vintage Chanel bag, in case you were wondering.)
As much as it may seem that I didn’t really answer (the spirit of) this question, I will say that it has inspired me to consider a new approach to purging. Instead of asking the KonMari question of “does this spark joy” (my joy-meter might be broken, to be honest, because everyDAMNthing in my closet registers some sort of spark), I am going to ask myself “would I replace this if I had to re-buy it at prevailing eBay costs?” I think the answers will be rather enlightening …
Q6: What are you wearing right now?
Picture this: a ratty old pair of black Old Navy sweatpants/joggers, and an old J. Crew t-shirt that’s gotten too slouchy to wear out of the house. You really don’t need to see this majestic ensemble, so enjoy this much cuter outfit instead.
I went thrifting. You are not surprised. Let’s take a look at what I found on my bargain hunting trips this time around.
I may be dating myself quite badly by saying this, but I remember when Byblos was a thing. And by “thing”, I mean a designer brand that used to turn up on the advertising pages of Vogue on the regular. This jacket looks like it was from an even earlier era. It might count as fashion memorabilia at this point, but I ain’t got room for that in my closet. Needless to say, I passed.
I also passed on this Zara blazer, although I’ll probably regret that next Halloween; this would have made an excellent Brandon Flowers-circa-Sam’s Town costume.
I rarely leave Anthro behind, but this shirt was too weird for me. You can’t even see the back tie here. Back ties are evil.
Sadly, way too small.
Hey, check it out: sometimes, I thrift for other people too. This tie was too gorgeous to pass up, even without considering the label attached to it.
A plain navy top is never wasted in my closet. Along with cream, white and black tops, it’s a staple/building block for many an outfit.
Loved the colour of this cardigan, as well as the unusual closure.
To be honest, I’m not sure about this cardigan, but my no-Anthro-left-behind policy kicked in to make me buy it. It fits small, and as a result it looks best worn buttoned up, as a top. (The reviews on the Anthro site seem to support this conclusion.) I’m not sure how versatile that makes it. The print is cute but maybe a little too twee? Gah, I don’t know, you guys! Help me decide?
Loooooove this scarf. Love it. Love the colour, and the softness of the material, and the generous size. Love everything about it.
I also love this scarf as well, especially the mixed print thing happening here.
This brooch was hella overpriced for a thrift store ($24 before discount), but I bought it anyway because (a) I have been looking for a clear rhinestone brooch in a similar design for ages, and (b) this price was still cheaper than what I would pay at the antique mall.
I’ll come right out and admit it: I totally overpaid for this top. I decided not to use one of my 30% off coupons (because I was not buying enough to make it worthwhile), and it was overpriced to begin with. I decided to get it because the quality seemed decent, the condition seemed like-new, and I thought the colour (a light aqua) would work nicely in my wardrobe. Finding decent quality plain shells can be surprisingly hard, so that totally swayed my decision-making here.
Do I need another trench? Probably not, but this one was very cute (and black! totally different than my Burberry one!) and in great condition, and the price was decent.
Do I need another pencil skirt? Eh, no. But I love me some tweed, especially $5 designer tweed.
Yoana Baraschi has become one of my auto-buy brands. I love her aesthetic, and the quality is usually great. This dress fit great, was an unusual colour, and was only $7 — how could I say no?