I mean, for real: you have seen these pieces so many times. Don’t hate me for subjecting you to them one more time. I do love this sweatshirt so, so much (in case that wasn’t amply clear). I normally wouldn’t wear a sweatshirt to work, but it was Be Seen In Jeans week (aka casual everyday) so I figured I could pull it off on this occasion.

I bought this bracelet yeeeears ago (to wit, 2004) on a stopover in London. The pound was as strong against the Canadian dollar as it is … well, always … so it cost me a pretty penny (even though it was just costume jewelry from a high street store) but I just had to have it – even on my then-student budget – because I loved it so. I still think it’s pretty special, and I’m glad I remembered it and dug it out for this occasion. It goes so well with these other old, favourite things.