My 2015 casual summer uniform is the same as my 2014 casual summer uniform. What can I say: the heart wants what it wants. And what my heart wants this summer (apart from Brandon Flowers 80s-inspired pop songs) is cute floral Anthro skirts, and this Old Navy top.

Since stripes and florals is such a safe combo (sez the fashun blogger), I decided to add another print into the mix. This J. Crew Factory belt has an elastic back, so it’s nicely accommodating, but I’m not sure if it’s as versatile as I originally thought. The (ikat?) print is interesting, but maybe a little busy? I don’t know, help me out here, peeps.

Speaking of things only fashun bloggers probably understand, the nice thing about posing in my parents’ extra long driveway is that I can engage in all manner of twee poses without feeling quite as silly as I would on my own, considerably more exposed property. Of course, my husband-slash-photographer is always there to remind me of just how silly I look. He’s awfully reliable that way. (Love ya, babe!)