Ooh, bookend-y! I usually try to rein in my matchy-matchy impulses, because otherwise I would end up with the most Garanimal-esque outfits, but sometimes it’s just easier to give in. I probably could have left off the necklace, but then we’d be in Snoozeville, which isn’t really worth the detour from Matchy-Matchtropolis. But all that is by way of wholly unnecessary explanation.
It’s alright. The outfit, I mean. It has a certain whiff of I-give-up-ness to it, but it’s not terminally malaised or anything – much like my general feeling about this 30 x 30 challenge, 27 days in. We will get through this, peeps! This too shall pass, etc., etc.
I’ve been pondering the future and direction of this blog for the past few weeks, and I’m currently leaning towards just keepin’ on. Maybe. I don’t know. I keep changing my mind every five minutes, and yeah, it’s annoying. When I’m having a bad day, and I get the itch to post passive-aggressive, vague Facebook status updates, and this blog is just tumbleweeds and crickets, doing the ole dramatic flounce seems like it would be 50 shades of emotionally satisfying. But then I’ll get a funny/sweet/thoughtful comment, and it makes standing on my driveway to take photos of my outfit feel less … completely pointless and ridonk. So there is that. Sweet indecision. Maybe I should just go ahead and have a regular “I quit!” day every week, followed by a “hey, I’m back, did you miss me” day. Flounce Thursdays and Slink Back Sundays. Hashtag blogger problems.
To make up for wasting your time with the pointless this morning, monthly shopping recap post will up be later today.