What I Wore: Shopping en famille

Look, I know. These pants? Not the most flattering option in my closet. I know that, and I’m forcibly reminded of it every time I look at a picture of myself wearing them. And yet … I can’t stop. In my head, I’m 26 with pre-baby hips, and I look effortless and cool in a not-annoyingly-hipster way, and … yeah, magical thinking doesn’t work and here we are. But I know what the answer is!
Stop taking pictures when wearing these pants.
Hah! Were you expecting a different answer?
Anywhoodle, this is a pretty basic outfit, and I realize now that it probably could use a necklace or something, but I wore this to go to the mall with the fam, and a necklace would be too wearing-it-for-the-sake-of-blog-photos. Know what I mean? The only reason you’re seeing this outfit, really, is because I was having a Good Hair Day. A Good Hair Day makes almost everything better, especially when you’re no longer 26 with pre-baby hips. It even makes the skies part and the sun shine. Just kidding. Good Hair is magical but not, like, weather-changing magical. I wish.
Still, never ever underestimate the power of Good Hair.

Good Hair can save a so-so outfit; its absence positively dooms many a cute outfit – the above is but one example. (Also, note to self: blush and concealer. Never forget the blush and concealer. Because, yikes!)
These pants make me think…hard.
The green is like a young guy who has decided to join the military and embrace combat; while the flowery part is kind of the same guy just in a post-dobbie moments of surreality.
Anyhow, curious about “his” decision, I always look forward to seeing your pants 🙂
THIS is why I missed your comments.
That was suppossed to be “doobie”.
P.S. I’m realizing that I have missed commenting. So, be afraid – be very afraid 😉
I am thrilled. Very, very thrilled.
The snow is hurting my feelings on your behalf. That is just not right.
I know *sob*
Luckily, this weekend was positively summer-like so, yay!