August seemed to come and go in the blink of an eye. Even my birthday barely registered – though, to be fair, at this point that might be a good thing. My job is keeping me very, very busy, and it’s a pace that takes some adjustment. I’m loving the work, but the learning curve is steep and sometimes feels like a bit of a roller-coaster; some days, it’s a white-knuckle ride all the way. The rest of my life is taking a bit of a back seat, as evidenced by how long it’s taking me to respond to personal emails (sorry) and comments (sorry). I am trying to work out a better balance for myself, and it might mean taking a bit of a step back from the blog. We shall see. [Edited to add: Sorry, peeps, I didn’t mean that to sound like I’m quitting altogether. Just dialing back on the post frequency, for the next while anyway. I guess that sounded way more dramatic than intended. Whew!]
But! I still managed to wear clothes. Lots of them, see?

Number 20 was my fave outfit of the month by far, with 16 as a close second. There were a few good repeat-outfits in the mix as well. To be honest, though, style took a bit of a backseat this month, much like most other things that were not work. Oh well, onwards and upwards.