June was a heck of a month. First of all, it felt like it was about three years long. I feel like I aged at least twice as much. I always know when I reach the limit of my stress tolerance because my body starts to mis-function; this time around, my IBS symptoms went into over-drive. Between dealing with a potentially life-threatening medical issue in my immediate family, juggling a number of hearings at work (including one out of town), and accepting a new position (!!!), this month was a doozy. I’ve never been more grateful for an opportunity to get the hell out of dodge for a few days as I was at the tail end of June, when my husband and I hopped on a plane to Palm Springs. Stay tuned for some recap posts.
There were some real winners in the mix this month, #1, 3, 7, 10 and 13 in particular. A closet purge is probably in my future, though I am finding it hard to motivate myself to do it. Some of my less favourite outfits happen because I haven’t been able to let go of pieces that don’t suit my current aesthetic as well, but which I guilt myself into wearing because, well, they’re hanging there in my closet. I *know* I will be happier if I let go of some of the “dead weight” but the sentimental ties are strong. However, this summer is all about fresh starts for me, so I have a feeling there will be changes coming to my closet as well.
Vacation reading is the best reading, isn’t it? Oh, to be able to luxuriate somewhere warm with a cold drink and a book for hours on end! Heaven. Luckily, I had some good reads for company this time. First, I tackled Kevin Kwan’s Rich People Problems, which I had been saving for weeks precisely for this vacation. It’s the third and final book in the Crazy Rich Asians series. I LOVED the first book, and enjoyed the follow-up, China Rich Girlfriend. To be honest, it’s a case of diminishing returns but the characters are so darn engaging that I don’t mind the increasingly soap opera-ish plot. I mean, the plot was always inherently over-the-top, but something about Rich People Problems was just … tired. With that said, I still enjoyed the heck out of it and would probably happily read another 3 sequels. I can’t get enough of the Youngs, Leongs, Chens, Shangs, Bings, Khoos, and all the rest. I am also super pumped for the new movie that’s about to start filming. I can’t wait to see all the action (and fashion p*rn) on the big screen.
The second book I read was Rosamund Pilcher’s The Shell Seekers. I believe I picked this up after I saw it recommended by Adrien on Looks Good From The Back. Pilcher is not an author I’ve read before, but I greatly enjoyed this book. The writing is so satisfying — like a great comfort food meal. I loved Penelope and Olivia, and wished the book had spent even more time with each of them and less with Noel and Nancy, whom I despised, and Danus and Antonia, who bored me. It was strange that, by the way; without wanting to give away any spoilers, Danus and Antonia’s plotlines had every mark of something that would appeal to me, but they somehow felt like much less substantial and interesting characters than Penelope and Olivia, who practically leapt off the page. I found myself wishing for a friend like Penelope, in particular. Is it possible to fall in (platonic) love with a character? Asking for, um, a friend.
Lastly, I also managed to get through most of a Phryne Fisher mystery (The Castlemaine Murders), which I then promptly finished at home. It was good, like most books from the series. I enjoyed reading more about Lin Chung’s (Phryne’s Chinese lover) family and background, especially his role as “paterfamilias” and what that would have meant back then. The books (and the show, to perhaps a lesser extent) do such a good job of incorporating diversity into its plots. I still miss the show, by the way. I am ready for season 4 to begin, like, yesterday.
And that’s it, folks. I didn’t spend much time on the internet on my vacation, except to Google maps of the Palm Springs area and restaurant reviews. I did manage to catch a documentary about the Salton Sea on YouTube, which I would recommend if you are interested in Atlas Obscura-worthy travel destinations. It’s called the Plagues & Pleasures of the Salton Sea, and it’s narrated by none other than John Waters. More on that next week, when I will recap my Palm Springs adventures.
Edited to add: this Racked article is a must-read if, like me, you have ever been obsessed with the whole effortless French chic ideal.
As always, leave your book/Netflix/article recc’s in the comments, and have a happy Friday!
Coat, Oak & Fort (thrifted); sweater, Babaton (thrifted); jeans, Pilcro (thrifted); shoes, J. Crew Factory; bag, Coach (swap)
Oh hey, it’s the same coat from yesterday. It’s my first Oak & Fort piece, and I quite like it. The material is neoprene-like, and very lightweight, which makes it a nice coat for the warmer months. The cocoon shape is very Adina 2017, as is the medium grey colour. It pairs nicely with my colour palette, including mustard yellow. Speaking of which, I need a better descriptor because “mustard” ain’t cutting it. Back to the coat, its tag says “One Size” which … mmkay. It’s roomy enough for me, but I am a size 4-6. Does Oak & Fort not conceive of sizes above, say, 10? I had a quick peek at their website, though, and I like the aesthetic, which seems similar to Aritzia. Don’t get me started on how weird it feels to realize that my aesthetic is more Aritzia than Anthropologie these days. [Though, to be honest, Anthropologie now is not the same as Anthropologie circa 2010 or so, which is when most of my old fave thrifted pieces were made.]
mustard & patchesmmm, cocoon-y
Let’s talk about the sweater for a moment too. I am not a “Law of Attraction” devotee, but I’ve been trying out the whole visualize-what-you-want thing in my thrifting, hoping to fill some very specific wardrobe holes. One was a mustard yellow top. I had found a nice silk one from Aritzia, but it was too low cut for my work environment, so it was a no-go. And then, a few days later, I found this lightweight sweater, also an Aritzia brand. It’s a bit too low cut in the back, but I can live with that more easily than the reverse. I wish it wasn’t a knit, but … thrifters can’t be too choosy. I will eventually find a silk or crepe top, and in the meantime, I can enjoy this sweater. Luckily, even our summers are not all that hot so I can get plenty of wear out of it.
Speaking of wardrobe holes, another thing I really want to find is a plain, olive camisole or sleeveless top (dressy not casual). No luck so far. I am also looking for a specific Anthro top that is selling for a bazillion dollars on eBay (le sigh). Also no luck. Honestly, this whole Law of Attraction thing is kind of a bust. Bah!